Let us do our best and God will do the rest...( Finale )

in #life6 years ago (edited)


T.: In nowadays it seems to me that the values are turned upside down and what is bad is named virtue and what is virtue is qualified as bad. Can you say something more about that ?

G.: The flower of high values is in the care of intellectuals and teachers – the head department of society. They are traditionally godly people independently thoughtful and endowed with high qualities like: peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, knowledge and wisdom.

Such people live simply, think deeply and advise all other classes of society in the values given by God. State leaders and military men rule under the umbrella of such good advise. They take care that merchants and farmers do their duties and they protect them from other rulers and protect laborer class from being exploited. The social body functions nicely. Such godly culture under care of capable monarh can provide for all the needs of society members and have the highest values at hand.

If the head department people forget God who is the soul of the body, it is only the question of time when will social body collapse. Rulers will notice that advises are not giving the same result and will try to rule on their own advice. Without the head, monarchy leads to tyrrany. Merchants and farmers do not feel protected and decide to rule on their own because they are the ones who have wealth. The body is without hands for protection and cooperation.


Without good advice and protection, their set of values degrades more and they oppress laborer class. Thus you have feudalism or capitalism. The main value is wealth in money and enjoyment in different pleasures of the world. Laborer class can not withstand such life and take over the rule through socialism or democracy. Belly is cut of and now you only have legs running around.

Basically, today's society is belly and legs.

In order to restore sustainable society with high values, we need God-centered social order lead by the people whose loyality to God and personal qualities are stronger then the pressure of the selfish desires of other members of the social body. Such influence is required and is based on the strength which is beyond this world – the strength of following God's advice.


Learned man said once:“If you do not love God, you will love dog.“

It is up to us to choose. We are destined to love and be loved and we will not settle for anything less.

T.: Did we forget something and you want to add ?
G.: Let us do our best and God will do the rest.

( The End )


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Society must walk into what God intends them to do for that peace and harmony to humanity @tatjanastan since we are all different and we just need direction from God's laws.

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