
Got to feel for the guy, crosses the road in the 'wrong way'... and moments later he's getting mounted and pounded on by a policeman.

Real people with real issue and real lives don't need police pulling them over for something as petty as 'jay-walking'... I almost feel privileged to live in a place where I can cross the road where I want.

Well said. The poor guy is just going about life. His cries and tears are so human, a human who did not sign up for the the stuff that's happening to him.

and to think 9% of the population in america are behind bars... that's the real crime there.

I read a news article the other day where prison's where encouraging Marijuana to become legal cause there is no room in prisons anymore.

... speechless.


Thanks for sharing video.
The video shows the confrontation and force used during the insident.

Hearing his words from 6:13 onwards really struck me.

indeed heartbreaking..

great post.

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