Why moving helps us to be happy?

in #life4 months ago

We've talked a lot about how important exercise is for your physical and mental health, but what does it have to do with happiness? There are many games that can make you happy. Why do a lot of sports fans like watching games live?

There will be a celebration of happiness on March 20. Now is a good time to learn why moving makes us happy.

Hormones that are released during sports are very important. Dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins are three happiness hormones that are released when we move. They are released in the brain when you work out, and they make you feel calm and happy for hours afterward.


To keep ourselves going, we need to focus on how good we'll feel after an activity, not how hard it was to begin with. Cortisol levels drop when you work out, which makes you feel better and less stressed.

In 2018, experts from Yale and Oxford looked at data from 1.2 million Americans and found that sports are more likely to make you happy than money.

Moving makes people feel better, so it has this power! Taking care of ourselves makes us feel better, gives us more confidence, and lets us solve problems and go beyond our limits. You need time to move, which is something we all need in our busy lives.

One way to take time for yourself is to garden or walk your dog. Moving around and doing things often are important.

Running, swimming, and road riding are all endurance sports that can help with depression. Regular exercise is good for your body in many ways and lowers your risk of depression. Even when things are bad, they make us happy.

Inactivity and being alone are big problems in this day and age, especially among young people. Organised games are a good answer. This hobby makes you feel like you belong, which is good for your health and happiness.

Even for active kids, team sports add something that solo sports can't. It breaks up the loneliness and makes friends. These perks are for seniors.

It's also fun to watch sports from the back of your couch. Why, though? The question was looked into by scientists.

For sports fans, games are intense shows. Both happiness and sadness don't happen right away. Uncertainty about the performance or battle is very important. Since the outcome is never certain, even for favourites, doubt can be too much to handle and hard to break. In a way, these people use sports as a way to get away from their problems.

A study published in Frontiers in Public Health also found that sports are good for your health. This study says that live events make people feel like "life is worth living." Always keep in mind that watching sports with other people makes us happy and less alone.

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