Tree : Nature's precious gift

in #life3 years ago

Trees are a priceless natural resource, which is why they have been revered in many parts of world from ancient times. This practice is still going on today. Our most kind unselfish helpful integral companions are trees. In the Ayurvedic medical system, trees are extremely important. The majority of living things could not exist without trees. Mountains covered in trees, trees laden with fruits and flowers, orchards, orchards, orchards, orchards, orchards, orchards, orchards, orchards, orchards, orchards, orchards, orchards,


Trees provide numerous benefits because they absorb carbon dioxide from the environment during their food processing and emit oxygen, which allows many creatures to live. Trees provide us with wood, grass, gum, resin, rubber, fiber, silk, tannin, latex, bone, bamboo, cane, catechu, betel nut, oil, coloring, fruit, flower, seed, and medicines. Trees help to clean the air and eliminate contaminants from the environment. Reduce noise pollution. Assist in reducing tornado damage by acting as a wind barrier. The tree's root system firmly retains the soil in place, preventing soil erosion.

Otherwise, soil flows from the mountains to the plains, where it collects on the river's surface and reduces the depth of the river, resulting in an early flood owing to excessive rainfall in the plains. Rainwater is trapped on the ground by trees, which keeps the atmosphere wet. Trees slow down the flow of rainwater, allowing it to reach the earth's core and raise the groundwater level. Trees shield living things from the sun's heat. Many animals seek refuge in its lap and graze on its fruits, flowers, roots, stems, and leaves.


The environment is not only protected, but its vital balance is also preserved, thanks to tree protection. As a result of urbanisation and industrialization, the utilisation of trees has increased in the modern era. In today's agricultural world, trees are utilised as a source of energy and fuel in the construction of buildings, bridges, railways, and decorations, among other things.

As modern society progressed, so did man's desires, which led to an expansion of avarice and avarice. The satisfaction of man's greed, selfishness, and money desire drew his attention to the forests, and selfish man began murdering his most beneficent trees. As a result, the trees were cut down and the lush green mountains were stripped bare. As a result, many plants, including therapeutic plants, wilted and died at the root. Many animal and bird species became extinct as a result of this, as they were unable to locate a suitable habitat.

When a tree is taken down, all of the things that grow on it are also cut down, including the vegetation, herbs, medicinal ingredients, animals that live on the trees, insects, and insects. Increased population, urbanisation, and industrialisation are the root causes of uncontrolled tree felling. Because of the aforementioned issues, man's requirements have expanded. Because of the activities of greedy humans, the environment has become a threat today.


Trees have a critical role in the environment. For all living beings on the planet, an unsafe environment can be life-threatening. As a result, it is vital to create an environment that is both balanced and safe. The beautiful green trees are proof that the climate, soil, and all of the animals there are in peace, and that they are living a natural life. Man has been causing this rhythm to be disrupted. He has not only wronged sentient beings, but he has also hurt himself unwittingly.

It is a source of joy that today's forest conservation effort is carried out by scientists, government agencies, and non-profit organisations. As a result, it's anticipated that they'll be brought under control before things get worse.


This post has received a 24.6 % upvote from @boomerang.

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