Top recommendations to regain motivation at worksteemCreated with Sketch.

in #lifelast year

Do you think your efforts are not appreciated? Are you buried under work? Do you notice a decline in motivation in any case? We provide the tools you need to find drive!

When we discuss motivation at work, we don't just mean the urge to work. We are motivated to get out of bed in the morning to go to work for a variety of reasons, including the financial aspect, the upcoming holidays, the pursuit of goals to be attained, or the positive environment among our coworkers.


There are two types of motivation: extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation, which are both internal and unique to the individual.

Internal components define intrinsic motivation. It connects to your enthusiasm for your work and boosts your sense of fulfilment. However, your management might acknowledge it. As a result, you get paid more or get promoted!

Extrinsic motivation is that which is associated with having a job, such as pay, holidays, happy hour, or coworkers.

Finding a balance between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation is essential if you want to feel satisfied and motivated at work. Indeed, a decline in motivation is ultimately unavoidable if our work only meets our physical needs.

Similar outcomes are likely to occur if we enjoy our jobs but receive a meagre salary that does not cover our living expenses.

Why am I no longer motivated at work? What factors lead to a lack of motivation?

Each week, we put in at least 40 hours at work. You must therefore feel comfortable there. There are many reasons why you start to go there with a little less zeal.

A loss of motivation may result from a lack of or absence of career development opportunities. In fact, you typically set goals when starting a new job in order to advance within the organisation.

Our desire may be impacted if it is made impossible for X or Y reason, and we may also feel insecure about our job because we don't feel vital there.

The employee may become discouraged if they have too much work to do because they feel overburdened. Overwork may result in a loss of motivation, a decline in work productivity, and increased stress.

Conflicts with coworkers or superiors result in lower productivity, more stress and anxiety, and a decline in motivation. Daring to discuss conflicts is not always simple, particularly when they involve our superior.

Other elements that can contribute to a decline in motivation and boredom at work include not feeling like your work is valued fairly, not having it acknowledged, a lack of leadership, poor working conditions, or a lack of autonomy.

Furthermore, resignations are frequently brought on by these factors. A 2017 Work Institute study found that 22% of workers left their jobs due to a lack of future perspective, 12% due to a lack of support for work-life balance, and 9% due to poor workplace wellbeing.


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