I am Not a Modern Girl!

in #life7 years ago

Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog.
This time I am writing to you from a coffee-shop, waiting for my friend to come (she is always late, so I have time).


I couldn't help but over-hear two girls sitting by the table next to mine, and it made me think.
They were talking about boys (big surprise there!), and one of them was advising the other how to play some games, and "Make him fall in love". I was surprised how many theories they made for few minutes, on the subject "Get him to like you". I haven't read so many theories during my whole collage!

Advises were something like this:

  • Don't call him or text him first;
  • Don't offer to pay the bill, he should;
  • Go trough his phone when you have a chance to check up on him;
  • Don't let him know you care;
  • Pretend to be busy!

That last one left me in shock!
I sat there thinking "How the hell did I survive the dating scene without playing these games?!"

I never had to pretend (not even sure how) that I was busy. Either I have time, or I don't. Maybe because I grew up with my older brother and his (male) friends, I think less like a "modern" girl. I'm really not sure who is right or wrong, but I was sure that we were different (me and modern girls). I call them modern, because they are in majority..


I am proud to be old-soul and having fun like a little child!
I love books, vinyls, vine, writing letters, calling my loved ones, saying how I feel... Cry, hug, be busy (for real), love myself, pay the bills, give my money to street musicians.
I laugh very loud, and argue even louder, I forgive and move on, I love me and everyone around me.

Maybe there is a better way, but mine is perfect for me. (And I wish all the luck in the world to everyone like me or my total opposites).

If you have any thoughts on the subject, feel free to share, I love reading your comments!

With love,



I can relate to you. You rather be open and be yourself with no tricks being played to impress someone right from the beginning. I have always been honest and open about what I thought or felt.

I agree, open and honest.

I agree with you @mydivathings be yourself, and share love. Ones who love you should love you for that.

May be modern would not be an appropriate word that can represent such ladies, need to check the dictionary to find the right word that can portray such evil thinking!

I don't think it's necessarily evil, it's their way of handling the world and problems. And if you hear enough other girls talking like that, you may also think that is the right way.
My opinion is not to listen to anybody, but your heart!
Thank you for your comment @ghulammujtaba and for stopping by!

Hi Tamara, welcome to the platform. There are a bunch of different theories out there on how we should go about having female male relations. I always thought being gentle, open minded, and patient was something we could all work on. I don't like the state of relationships today, it's very popcorny...if that's a word. I miss seeing people being in love for real and old couples holding hands and taking care of each other. I don't remember the last time that I saw an older couple.

@geechidan thank you for your comment! I know only few older couples that hold hands to this day, and they are my role model. I won't judge anyone, I just think that playing games can never lead to true and unconditional love!
I love your point of view, and just keep being amazing you!

Awwww. Thanks, I'll keep pushing this love.

Wow these tactics sound more like psychological warfare than love. The world is going crazy out there! :O

Crazy indeed! You should have seen my face when I heard it :)

This is the face I made! XD

That's the face!!! Great one! Thank you for your support!

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