First NEW artwork in over a year!

in #life6 years ago

Happy Saturday Steemians,

So, my new little lap top has a few surprises for me. It's an HP Stream 14 Notebook.

  1. Apparently HP thought it would be a great idea to design this model to be disposable. Not obsolete in the standard 3-5 years, but useless. Useless due to the fact that Windows 10 will completely fill the internal SSD 32GB just with it's own updates in less than 2 years. Of course they don't tell you this. I had to go hunting in the HP forums to find that little tidbit of info.

They apparently expect you to only use these smaller models for cloud working. I HATE CLOUDS. I am an old fashioned gal and I want my work to be right HERE, not out there somewhere on someone else's server. I've already lost a good portion of my work over the last 5 years because Just Cloud cheated me out of access to my account and then refused to answer my emails. (But continued to try and charge my PayPal until I removed my credit card and called PayPal support.)

So, I will have to break down and get a bigger external after we move and keep everything on it.

At least I know that it will run Photoshop and DAZ Studio, although I can't properly install my content library, because, no memory LOL

Still, I did manage to get one new test artwork rendered before I chose to uninstall DAZ this morning. I will install DAZ on the new external and then y'all can expect new Gothic Girls in my POD shops and new GG coloring books as well. =)

In the mean time, here is the new art. She will be in my POD shops on most everything this afternoon and as a single coloring page from my Gumroad shop tonight or early tomorrow.

Forest Guardian Fantasy Art by Tabz Jones sample.jpg
source: author's private collection

So yeah, live and learn. I will eventually get a desktop for the lab, but right now, I like being mobile. Especially if I start doing craft fairs and cons. It's a whole lot easier to do custom template work for my POD shops on a laptop than a smartphone. 0.o

Until next time, be nice ♥
My links;


Hi I haven't found your posts for quite some while. I love your warrior girl/warrior wood-nymph girl. The red hair is really pleasing.
science fiction, fantasy, erotica
check out some posts, no obligation, there might be something you like

So cool! She's lovely. Resteemed

Thank you dear =)

Stunning to say the least... wow. It figures the laptops have issues for space. I am so over them. I love my desktop for everyday, but understand wanting to be mobile too. BTY I don't use a cloud

Couldn't you raze your system, completely discarding Windows10 and installing something else... say Linux Mint? Of course it's a compatibility question, as I haven't even heard the names of those graphic programs you mentioned. But look into it! Lots of times you can run a windows program on Linux in an emulator called Wine.
Planned obsolescence is infuriating, and we should all fight it wherever we can.
Amazing picture, by the way!

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