Kingdom Faith Is In The King (Jesus)

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Kingdom Faith Is In The King (Jesus)

According to John 6:31-32, in Moses days, God did many and great miracles. What the children of Israel were saying is they followed Moses because he did great miracles. However, Jesus said, in other words, the mortgage and the cars are temporary. God can bless us with a car and next week God can take it away because the car did not come from heaven, it came from BMW. He can make a payment or God can test us and see if we’ve missed a payment, we are still at peace. He’s God. We don’t know, what He’s thinking? In John 6:34-37, why believe? There are two types of bread: Bread (from earth) that’s the blessing. Jesus says, I am the bread. Is your faith in Jesus Christ, the true bread from heaven or in the blessings of God, the bread from earth? We put our faith, not in the things of God, but in the God of the things. The Bible says, if we eat this bread (Jesus), then we will never hunger.

In Matthew 8:23-27, Jesus calms the storm. Jesus was sleeping in the boat. He could have prevented the storm. He is God, but God set it up for the three disciples. He tested their faith because He was about to trust them with the church. To test them, if they can handle the least pressure. God is still in the boat, but He is sleeping. When they woke Jesus up, He didn’t rebuke the wind, right away. He asked the disciples, “Where is your faith? Or you of little faith, Jesus said, the storm is not the problem.” Our faith is only as strong, as the problem we survived. We’ve allowed the storm to take our peace, when the Prince of Peace is on board. They were amazed and ashamed. God will allow a storm to enter our lives just to see our reaction. Do we have faith in the storm or in the Messiah (The Anointed One)? Eventually, He stopped the storm.

Whatever we are going through, our personal life is allowed by God. God said, He will not allow us to be tempted beyond our ability or beyond we are able to overcome. (1 Corinthians 10:13) It means, the test is equal to the faith. Small test equals small faith. If it’s big, then this is what God thinks about you. Your faith is big. The size of the test or the problem is God’s way of saying, I believe this about you over other people. The bigger the test, the bigger the faith, God in you. God did not stop the storm, until the disciples survived it.

Jesus said, “He that believes in me, will never thirst.” The water Moses gave them is temporary and the blessings they had is temporary. We teach the kingdom of God, will supply all your needs. It’s absolutely true, He will pay your mortgage or He will pay your car payment. That’s fine! However, they got excited about the fish and the taxes, but Jesus said, no, no, no. Forget what I gave you, believe in Me! We don’t follow God, what we can get. The Kingdom faith is in the King (Jesus), not in the Kings favor or gifts. (Dr. Myles Munroe)

Has anyone said this to you; “If God is so good, then why is this happening to you?” Our relationship with God has nothing to do with what is happening to us? For example, Daniel in the lions den. Where is God? Daniel had to shift from the works of God, to God. When an angel didn’t show up or the lions didn’t drop dead before he got in there. He walked right into the lions den and this time, he fully trusted God. If our faith is in God, then it doesn’t matter, what happens around us? God is stable. In John 6:53-54, Jesus said, “If you eat me and drink me, you will have life.” In other words, we can go through anything. God wants to show off and show up in your life. If you are faithful in little things, then God will trust you with more. Can you manage the little stress? Problems? Or Do you say, God is not working. He will give us a situation, to give us a revelation. For example, God shipwreck the boat Paul was on. It’s a set up and he wants to see, if he can handle the snake.

In John 6:60, regarding hard teaching and why we lose faith? In other words, He wants us to follow Him without the guarantees of free bread and blessings. Most people follow Jesus because they want things from Him. When Jesus said, eat Him and drink Him, now, they are thinking, He’s really crazy! As you can see, there’s nothing permanent here. When we don’t know what to do, we trust God. David said, “Some trust in chariots and horses, but we will trust in the name of the Lord.” (Psalm 20:17) David trusted his swords and chariots and he lost some battle. He was defeated. However, when he realized and trusted in God, God made him a winner. No matter what happens, we win. God will always raise up a ministry for His glory. A ministry does not exist because good things happen to its citizens, it exists because God raised up a vision for the nation to bless the world.

John 6:66-71, the test of faith. Our faith should not be in people or things, but in God. Sometimes we have faith in faith, not in God. We have a God to go to and cast our care on. Most people who criticize us, don’t have a God to go to, but you do. Be faithful to God. Peter shifted from the fish and bread, to Him (Jesus). Peter means rock. God is the rock. If we anchor on a rock (Jesus), then it doesn’t matter where the storm comes from. Put your faith in the rock. Jesus kept on going because He was going about His Father‘s business. Today, keep on going! The Kingdom faith is in the King (Jesus), not in the King’s favor or gifts. God bless you!

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Amen. I love the portion that's says

We put our faith, not in the things of God, but in the God of the things. The Bible says, if we eat this bread (Jesus), then we will never hunger.

Our faith must be in n God and not in the things He give. He's the source and we must look up to the source. If not its going to be a mere idolatry for our attention is going to be in things rather than God. Some people also sadly make faith the object of their faith. Which isn't supposed to be so. God is the Object of our faith and not the faith itself. Let's look up to Jesus and He'll gravy us faith.

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