Thinking Is Good

in #life3 years ago

Automatic negative thoughts are simply thoughts, which are random and negative in nature regarding one's self. Such thoughts will keep floating around in your mind and it is these negative thoughts which will keep having a negative effect on your performance at work or in other areas of your life. They can create negativity and pessimism in the way you view life. And they are also quite capable of destroying all hopes you may have. Negative thinking can do a great deal of damage and if you want to make sure that you don't suffer from it then you should be able to identify the negative thoughts and stop them.

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So, just what exactly are the effects of negative thoughts? Well as we all know disassociation with emotional states can cause mood swings, depression, anxiety, panic attacks and so much more. So the more you live with negative thoughts the more damage they will have on your performance and happiness.

So how do you stop thinking negatively? There are a number of ways but one particular way is to train your mind to think positively. This is actually the quickest way to stop thinking about negative thoughts and to instead think about positivity. This is not as easy as it sounds however. You have to train your mind in order to get to a point where it won't be affected by negative thoughts and instead start thinking about positive thoughts. It's a bit like training your dog to use the bathroom in the right place every time.

What happens when you start thinking positively is you start visualizing and imagining the things that make you happy. Instead of focusing on the negative thoughts that were keeping you from reaching your goals you now focus on the good things that you want to achieve. And once your mind starts to picture this way it makes it easier for you to feel and think in a positive way. This trains your mind for optimism which greatly reduces your levels of anxiety.

Another great way to combat rumination is to take short breaks. Go for a walk or do some exercise if you can. Studies have shown that people who spend at least fifteen minutes a day reading non-fiction books which tell stories tend to have less negative thoughts. Similarly, research shows that if you spend time thinking about music rather than thinking about negative thoughts such as worries and unhappiness you will be much more likely to enjoy it and even make a habit of listening to music. The same goes for reading books - read every day and you will find that over time you will start to notice a reduction in your negative thoughts.

One great way to make yourself feel better is to help other people. There is a powerful feeling that comes with helping others and this helps to make you feel better. When you are thinking "nobody cares", this means that you are excluding yourself from a lot of opportunities that could make you a lot of money. Therefore it is important that you realize the opposite - that everybody wants and needs you. Helping other people therefore becomes an important way to change your negative thoughts to positive ones.

Finally, there are very powerful tools out there which you can use to fight your negative thoughts and replace them with more positive ones. A great way to do this is to write down your negative thoughts so that you can confront them every day with the knowledge that they will soon be gone. You can also try counting the number of times you say the negative word over a period of time. Eventually, the number of times you think it will be gone will build up and eventually replace all your negative thought patterns with positive ones.

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Overall, the most important thing is that you realize that everybody has to think. It is in our nature to think and create. Even if it is not pleasant, thinking is an important part of life. There is nothing wrong with thinking; in fact it is part of what makes us human. If you want to change your negative thoughts to positive ones every day, start with researching.

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