Some Fear is Good, Some Fear is Bad

in #life3 years ago

Some Fear is Good, some Fear is Bad. Some are Born with it, others come to believe it, and others still deal with it in their daily lives. For those who have the Fear, it's a good thing, as it motivates them to do great things. For those who are born with the Fear, it can be a very debilitating thing that can prevent them from achieving their goals and dreams.

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Some of the most common fears we experience in our daily lives are Stress, Failure, Success, Aging, Failure, Receiving criticism, Anger, Living a life, etc. Now what if you could find the middle ground, the place where the fear is neither good nor bad? For example, some fear an aging senior, or they may be afraid of failing in business. Both of these fears could be turned into "achievement goals" that you could set for yourself each day. The key is to know when to ignore the fear and when to tap into your "confidence" to achieve your goals.

Here is where the good and bad fear meet. If you are afraid of failing in business, then you need to tap into your "confidence" to take action even when you are scared. In order to do that you must believe that you can succeed. If you are not sure if you can do something, but you have already done it before, then you have nothing to lose by trying again. On the other hand, if you have already failed in business, then you must ignore the fear of failing, and tap into your "confidence" to take action.

Most of our fears can be traced back to our childhood. As children we are afraid of the dark and dangerous woods, snakes, and other animals. Most often, the "scary" part of the fear is overlooked, so that eventually as adults, the adult fears become just another part of everyday life.

Some people were born afraid. If you are born afraid of anything and everything, then you will probably never learn to take action. You will most likely run when you are afraid. This is a good thing because it means that you are using every fiber of your being to prepare yourself to run when needed. A bad fear is when you are afraid of doing nothing, or of losing some power in yourself.

Some people were born afraid of the dark. If you are afraid of the dark, then there is probably a very strong internal torment, or subconscious fear that your life will be a pain, that things will not go their way, that you won't find love, that life will end and that you will be alone. Fear of the dark makes us aware of the fact that there is something that we should watch out for. It makes us more aware of the "what if" scenario and prepares us to act more consciously.

Some fears are also God-based. If you are afraid of a lost love or the possible outcome of an upcoming decision then, again, this is a powerful form of fear that can prepare you to take action if you need to. Because these fears are God-based, they can be dealt with and conquered, but they can also be quieted by working through them. Some fears of a "bad outcome" can be turned into a reality by finding the courage to follow through with what you really want.

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Some fears are very real. They are the result of the consequences of not taking action or dealing with a problem in our lives. We need to be aware of these fears because they often tell us that we aren't going the way we want to, or that there is something that we have to watch out for. Taking action when you are afraid of the dark or of a lost love can make all of the difference in the world between success and failure.


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