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RE: Working Answer to Meaning of Life: Personal Progression

in #life8 years ago

I can agree on the different kinds of happiness. The one I ran on years back, which this post in referencing, is more of the short term feeling of happiness, like the rush of gratification. Which is somewhat like a deficiency need, that needs to be 'refilled' or 'bumped' periodically. I see this one more in the 'in the moment' scope of things.

The more sustainable one I view more as general contentment with self, place in life, long standing relationships (that have reached unconditional love), etc. Which I'll agree, continuously builds up (ideally) through our life. I view this more in the sense of 'holistic' happiness, looking back on experiences good or bad, that got me to where I am currently. This holistic approach is what I was trying to speak to with making 'use' of previous events, good or bad. (Some of this was my semantics with the word happiness, I didn't want to make it too philosophical/hard to read. But I absolutely agree in the distinction you mentioned.

Dan spoke to this beautifully in that post! I took what he said in the sense of first, removing labels of what things 'should be' to allow more focus on the Be Here Now/in the moment sense of having enough knowledge of the self feel that we're going in the right direction. To me this is the blending of the flow or being in the moment with the conscious thought of ideals to create the direction.

I look forward the future of a community of individuals, not just a group-think of people that are content with the "it's always been that way" excuse. Just having a revolutionary technological and economic frame work (which I still find to be amazing) is a huge step, now we need it to, ideally, be filled with those who have enlightened self-interest. The opportunities are there for those who grab it. :)

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