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RE: What is the cause for people not loving their jobs? Is it the environment or are we the ones to blame?

in #life8 years ago

I think on some level there is a loss of empowerment and hope, with many having the long term goal of buying the rest of their life back (retirement.)

We work for companies that many couldn't imagine starting themselves. Whether seeing something like starting a company or working for themselves as an overly daunting task to achieve and/or not trusting their own abilities.

While I understand wanting to have or provide stability for others for practical reasons, burnout happens. Over a long period of time, for many, it just becomes the routine to 'drudge' through.

I had a knowledge engineer job I loved for about 5 years out of college, but I'll freely admit I didn't want to be there every day. There were days and times my mind and drive was somewhere else. Unfortunately with external deadlines, pressures and requirements that are a part of any job, even working for ourselves, we always have some compromises.

Personally I love the concept of Flow which is best explained as a kid at play, musician in the moment playing music, or any other fully immersive activity. I see this as the peak productivity anyone can achieve. The downside is that it's not always directed.

Anyway, short answer to you're question: I feel that many people submit to the daily grind and don't feel empowered enough to do otherwise. Risk is scary to most.


Too bad that having these thoughts like "I have to resist until I'll get to retirement" will make us accept harder and harder the fact that we must go to work every morning. Sometimes, I think that we're just enmeshed by society. At least here, in my country, you sometimes have the feeling that your purpose for living is being a worker.
Didn't know about the concept of "flow" and I realize now that I'm also immersed in my work, which is not always a good thing because I often forget to eat or sleep. My boyfriend always complains that when I work I don't care about anything else.

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