in #life6 years ago

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Everybody wants to be successful but only few are willing to go through the pain to become that successful person. Success dont just come on a platter of gold, one must work and struggle in order to be successful. To become successful in life, one must activate the keys or secrets to success, its only with these keys, one can open the doors to success, these keys are hardwork, patient, commitment, determination, consistency and lots more. Only one key shall be focused on today,consistency.

Consistency is one of the major key to success. Consistency is simply doing something over and over again following the same pattern. Success can cannot be acheived by attempting something only once, you have to keep doing it over and over again, without consistensy, one can never be succesful.

No matter which way you choose to go in life, you want to be a business person, you want to be an enterpreneur, you want to be a writer, or anything, the key to whatever you want to be lies in being consistent. As a writer, you cannot be a succesful person, if you are not consistent with your writing, as a student, you cannot be succesful if you are not consistent with your books, even as a bussiness man, if you are not consistent with your strategies, sooner or later, your business will go down the line

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Being Consistent is not easy in the sense that you have to keep doing the same thing over and over again, as a food seller you have to keep cooking meals with the same taste everyday, even as a blogger, you have to keep writing very day, but for you to acheive success, its a major key. Consistennce is something we cannot run away from if we aim to be successful. The difference between a failure and a succesful person is consistency, while a failure attempt something only once and give up or stops, a successful person keeps doing it over and over again until he attains his goal and greater height

Hardwork and consistency are two different keys to success, you might be hardworking, but if you are not consistent, then you might not get what you are looking for, you might not attain the postion you are looking forward too, hardwork is also very important too, but without consistency, its not complete. Earlier this year when i started steemit,i was hardworking, i made sure i wrote my post for the next day at night, i read alots of books, ask questions and browse on net, but i was not getting anything even at that, i did not give up, i did not stop writing, i was consistent in my writing, i made sure i write everyday, and now i can say its paying off big time. Imagine i said to my self then, ohh look, upon all the hardwork have done, its not paying off, then i stopped writing, probably i would not even be writing this post now, but i did not stop, instead i was consistent, you might be hardworking and not be consistent, success does not comes that way you have to be consistent and hardworking at the same time. Both are different but goes in hand with each other, you might not see the reward now but as times goes on, you would see that consistensy pays.

How to be consistent in whatever you are doing to acheive success

Earlier said, consistency is not easy, doing something over and over again, reading everyday, writiing everday, going to shop everyday etc. Its not just easy, the reasons why some people end up where they dont want to be is lack of consistency, so how can you be consistent?

Consistent is just like an habit, constantly doing it, it becomes part of you, so in other for you to be consistent, you have to keep doing it, little by little it becomes part of you, that writing becomes an habit, that reading and so many others things become an habit.

If you feel you have problem with being consistent, seek for help, there is definitely no crime in seeking for help.

Avoid procatination, what you have to do,do it on time.

Be Determined

Success is in YOU, you just have to activate the keys to be succesful.

Thanks for Reading

Kindly Upvote, Comment and Resteem


Wow, you have said it all dear, consistency pays

thanks @emma001

You are a pretty lady. In your case, I would recommend making videos, you will connect with your audience so much closer I think.

Awwww,would try soon

Oh such a cool information. It's winsome

thanks for stopping by

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You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Success can cannot be acheived by attempting something only once, you have to keep doing it over and over again, without consistensy, one can never be succesful.
It should be successful instead of succesful.

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