I Quit!

in #life6 years ago

I had myself a bit of a run, it was fun, it was exciting, it also has cost me my health.

No, it's not the drama that I'm talking about, it's the nasty little habbit called smoking.

Now, I tried quitting cigarettes before, and have had a bit of a success. At one point, I had quit for 3 years! But, you may know how it is, you go out for drinks, go out to talk with your buddies as they have their cigs, think to yourself "Hey, one won't hurt", and there you are. You're buying packs again.

When I first moved to Texas from Missouri 5 years ago, I bought one of those gas station gimmicks that look like a cigarette. I was smoking a lot of hookah at the time and thought it would be a great replacement. The problem is, it tasted like a turd in plastic. So the cigarettes remained.

I wanted to quit in my head, but my actions and my job were making me smoke MORE. Most of my day is spent in my car driving from house to house, so the packs were there, easy, and helped pass the time. Up to about 2+ packs a day. I felt like shit, knew what the problem was and could not stop.

Then, I started to do the math..

Nearly $4800 a year was being spent on just me making myself miserable with nothing to show for it except stinky clothes.

I started to see news items on Juul and how much they were making in revenue.

I figured, they must have figured something out since I first tried the e-cigs.

So I bought one and.. I liked it.

I jumped straight in, looking up the different flavors and how to refill the little pods to save money.

That's when I realized the Juul, while being a nice little intro device, is overall not that great.

It's messy to refill and not really that cheap.

I took the bigger plunge and started researching vape mods and tanks. You know the ones, the big things that you make fun of the neck-beard hipsters for sucking on. It took!

And, I am now proud to say. It's been 1 month since I bought a pack of squares and light up a real cigarette.

There's a ton more to talk about, because this new obsession is about to go deeeeep. but I need more posts, ya'know?

We'll talk about it more.. Trust me.


All the best in this task, not ony smoking is unhealthy for you but also for others close to you, I know it's not easy but I am proud of the courage to try. When you don't smoke you will realize all your clothes smell like ashtray XD now seriously I know it's no easy task but 1 month is a great achievement, keep going!

I quit off and on for nearly a decade... once I started vaping, that’s when the quitting really “took”. I quit vaping last April and haven’t touched a cigarette or a vape since. And I was around some pretty heavy smokers up until August- but never was tempted. Now they don’t even smell good. I think I’ve since learned that I can’t even have 1- I’m that much of an addict. My fingers are crossed for you Shane!

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See, this is awesome! Congrats to you, Sun.

If you really wanna save money, you have to get into making your own vape juice. Otherwise, it's not really that cheap of a habit.

Heh. My first batch of liquids are coming in on Tuesday

I am very proud of you Mr. Husband

After smoking for 25 years, this april will be one year of no cigs for me since switching over to vaping. You can do it!

Nice! Congrats. Yeah, this is hitting the right spot

Of all the crazy things I've done over the years, I can honestly say that cigarettes has never been one of them.
It's not that there was no one else around me smoking, both parents smoked and a couple of my siblings smoked, but I guess it just never interested me.
I do have to wonder, is vaping better for your lungs than smoking? I really have no idea.

The jury is still out on exactly how much better it is, but without all of the extras that cigs throw in, I can tell you that I'm breathing much easier.

Yeah, that does make sense.

Vaping is much nicer than smoking. I moved from sheesha to vape and it's been great.

My favourite coil/tank is the Uwell Valerian, try it!

$rewarding 100% 14min

I'll definitely be getting into my gear. Right now I'm using the Hellbeast by Hellvape, I'm pretty happy with it so far. I've heard GREAT things about Uwell, so I'm sure I will give it a go.

Proud of you! But if you scare me with a title again, I'm gonna get @jasminearch to whip your streaking butt!

I will behave and comply....

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