The 18/40/60 Rule
This rule is about how we feel about other people’s opinion. The world is filled with a lot of people with different opinions and how we react to these opinions is what differentiates us from others. Research shows that age can be a determining factor. Actually, I came across this rule for the first time Two years ago. It was proposed by Dr Daniel Amen.
When You’re 18…
You’re wondering what everyone thinks about you
Almost everything seems overwhelming at this point. Trying to handle the changes that come with adolescence and peer pressure at the same time can be so draining.
This is also the age where parents have a hard time understanding you, that some things have changed about you. You’re no longer the kid who used to want to follow them everywhere, now, you’d rather go out on your own and form your own identity.
Also, expectations from everyone increases, major decisions to be made with regard to what to do with your life,etc
The stress that come with all this can be so difficult to handle.
When You’re 40…
You no longer care what others think
And why would you?
People’s opinions have never put food on your table and cannot even pay your bills.
At the end of the day, everyone returns to his house with his opinions,and that ends it.
You have realized that people’s opinions are just what they are – opinions, nothing more.
When You’re 60…
You realize that nobody was thinking about you, and the few who did, were wondering what you were thinking about them
At this age, people realize that everyone was just like them and simply passing through the phases of life.
So here’s the rule:
When you’re 18, you’re wondering what people were thinking about you. When you’re 40, you don’t bother yourself with people’s opinions. When you’re 60, you realize that nobody was thinking about you,and the few who did were wondering what you were thinking about them.
I'm still in stage one lol
I agree with you totally on a teenagers outlook of life but I have a slightly different opinion about your second opinion because I feel in this 21st century that cycle comes earlier than you proposed and in fact that reduces the length of the first set of people. It's a crazy little world and how do you live it is to just be yourself. But I really love all your perspective, you really inspire me
Like I mentioned, it's not my rule
They seem more like experiences to me though. But I'm well over the 18 rule, nice post. 👍
Wow!!! that's so true, basically nobody cares about you except your family and God. That's my take
Finally I've been able to learn something new today. Thanks @sussan
This is so insightful. I have read it before that "you should be yourself because nobody is thinking about you, and that the few that did were actually wondering what you were thinking about them too."
I never knew the 18/40/60 rule. Thanks, @sussan for sharing.
Great insight. I cant decide if I find it sad or uplifting. All I know for sure is that know thyself is the oldest and still most relevant philosophical advice.
This is the gospel truth.
Just good as you remind us of it , never knew something great like this. Thanks for sharing. Judt followed you new here