
I probably have what would be considered a more mild case of it, but I have a really close friend who was struggling for years until it was to the degree that her emotional and psychological well-being were in real danger, and her physical health as a result. I wish that I had discovered this a long time ago for her sake because she did go the path of drugs to alleviate the problem, bringing on a different set of problems as a result. She has recently succumbed to my nagging and started watching some videos and I'm hopeful that she'll at least be able to decrease her intake of chemicals...wish I could report that was already the case but that would be dishonest. I have read many success stories of people overcoming severe insomnia as well as anxiety issues throughout the comments of videos however, and it certainly helps me. If you do find that this helps you as well, I would greatly appreciate it if you let me know! And thank you for resteeming :)

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