BUBBLE OR BLEED. The choice is yours.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

It has been said that when "fate throws a blade, one can catch it by the handle and use it to carve a future.

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Dr. Campbell Morgan told of a man whose shop was totally burnt in the great Chicago Fire of the 18th Century. This was a fire that nearly wiped Chicago out of the world map. It took fire fighters 22 days to put it off. Billionaires were turned into paupers. Countless lives were lost.


Hopes were crashed and wasted but this man arrived at the ruins the next morning carrying a table. He set it up amid the charred debris and above it placed this optimistic sign that read

Everything lost except wife, children and hope. Business will be resumed as usual tomorrow morning.

What a wonder! What an optimist! What a winner!


This man later became a billionaire again - from nothing, but hope, courage, cheerfulness and determination.

The Advanced Learners Dictionary defines
bubble as the act of showing great liveliness.
It us the act of singing in the storm, the act of smiling in the blazing sun. It is the rare act of deciding to always be happy even when all hope is nearly buried and stars grow dim. To bubble is to be optimistic 24 hours of the day despite past delays and disappointments.

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You can choose to succumb to the difficulties of life or rise above them.


Thank you for reading.
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Technically the glass is always full. Lesson well learned.
Nice update

This is great. Nice work.
I chose to be happy everyday, cos a happy soul is a productive soul.

Be happy even all hopes is almost buried.
Always be optimistic!
This words really blessed me!

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