"The letter i wrote to my family and friends made me sound crazy"

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Dear family and friends

As you may have noticed recently I have started posting a lot on Facebook about the system, politics , social behavior, wars , poverty and so forth basically about all the shit going on in the world. It all started about one year ago I watched a documentary
Called the Zeitgeist it seemed all to simple to be the truth as it is all right in front of our eyes, but we don't acknowledge it, we are to busy working to pay the bills with money which is only an illusion it only has worth if we give it that,
it is made by the Banks , printed or typed into a computer. The monetary system , it is rigged to enslave us all, ask yourself how can we be in det as a country but bail other country's out, or not have money for health agency's in country's but be able to drop bombs which cost hundreds of millions of euros , dollars , whatever
all the same worthless shit , you think you have a say what your politicians should do with the money - no chance they put 2 or 3 party's in government and say you can vote, these 2 or 3 party's all work and get there money from the same people , big corporations , they make the laws for there own profits with lobbyists
So they can grow and use people like puppets.

A profit based economy can't work anymore , the monetary system just creates poverty and greed , crime , the list is long , they don't care about the earth and its millions of species they just want mansions and big boats 10 cars, even if it means they kill of hundreds of species on earth
and cut every tree down too the point of no return , they turn us against different races and religions for them to excuse there plundering of other not so technically evolved country's , because they still have cheap resources , we have used a lot of ours it costs a lot more to refine it here than in Africa or India ( cheap labor for example).
A social view of the dilemma we are in , baby's aren't born and want to kill Muslims or Christians , we teach them that in our society our social behavior is sick and messed up and the governments have made us like this , how far will this shit go!


  • now fortunately its still not too late we could have a resource based economy we need to map what we have on this planet and
    then intelligently manage and distribute it , there's enough for all species , we don't need money to build solar fields , all we need is the resources money merely stands in our way. Wouldn't you work for no money if you knew you would be going to have free everlasting clean energy?
    Robots build cars , 3D printers can build houses tractors use GPS to harvest fields , we have the technology , we can supervise and manage them instead of outsourcing and having children in India making clothes because its so cheap.
    You can see robots doing our jobs now people are loosing there jobs and have no money living on benefits and can't afford goods , so you see the monetary system is failing if we make resources available for free , everyone will benefit. You might say now people will want more resources than others but think , if it rained gold all day people would rake it into there house and fill every cupboard and draw
    if it rained gold for a week people would be throwing it back out the door , if goods aren't scarce because of limitations of money , then people would act very differently , they pay some farmers to throw away the milk from there cattle so that the scarcity remains at a certain level to keep prices high even though children starve in the world.
    Just think what 7 billion people could do if we all worked together have robots doing the hard work and our time be spent on health and exploration of the stars and so on, if we have time to think together limitations of our brains would be broken. We have came far so far with technology driven by profit mostly , I think though we humans can do far more
    If our minds would only Evolve , we know we are harming the planet but we keep going , are we not as clever as we think? Do we need to wake the fuck up? And see the big picture its right before our eyes.

Why do they build TV`s and so on , that only last 2 years , they wouldn't make profit if it lasted much longer not to mention the resources wasted
. Wake the fuck up people if not we might never be free just more slaves stuck in a state of homeostasis , please don't say I can't do anything about it I am just one person, or the people in power have already won the fight , this planet is everyone's common heritage with all it has to offer , why let a privileged few have more than others there's 100 people in the world- they have more money (illusional resource)
than the rest of the 7 billion humans on earth - now that is messed up. I remember as a child watching the TV with my mum I cried when I saw starving Ethiopians children on the TV , today I realize since then I have always turned over the channel when I saw these things , I hid from the cruel reality got in the car the next day and carried on with life , have we been brainwashed to think its not our fault and we can't help it anyway , we can help if everyone starts to see again
like when we were children we knew in our hearts its all wrong , have we been corrupted by our society and environment to look away ? All we think about today is work tomorrow again and again and again...not about the children starving and dieing just about dets and profit.
I think the change has to start in our minds we YOU need to evolve and ask yourself would you rather have what really is available on the planet and live in peace with well used technology put too use for all human kind or rather have more than others , with children at your gates that are starving and dyeing , you can have that but also you must always watch your back because
Those that don't have what you have will want to take it someday , if the Worlds common heritage isn't shared equally.


This text is a short version of what is in my mind and I know a lot of other Minds , just it isn't enough yet.
Don't take anything I say for true, question for yourself use your Mind , you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to see the truth.


If any of my family or friends have any questions ask me I will try to answer.


i think your right, we do have the same visions about life and how to get out of the mess were in. i like what you said about a resource based economy, if every body contributes, doing what they like to do or know how to do good , and everybody works say 4 hours per day than we could create abundance, im sure of it. ill be following you, feel free to follow me aswell :) im also of the opinion that for the world to change, it needs to be confronted with truth, thats basically me main motivation to write on steemit. how to move forward once everybody hhas come to the same conclusion, thats also something for wich i will engage 100 percent. nice post, thanks for sharing. your not crazy, your one of the sanest rants ive heard today, i can appreciate that. much love <3 namasté

Thanks for your reply i truly appreciate it. I think if you haven't already heard of a certain project put together by jaque fresco, read about this project jaque R.I.P , became a real idol for me and many others.
https://www.thevenusproject.com/ watch the documentary "THE CHOICE is OURS" its free and very very informative and maybe you will also be inspired by his work.

I am also following you and looking forward to hearing from you again :)

Peace and <3 to you also :)

im also on steemit chat, feel free to talk to me there whenever u like, ill read it when i read it :) great minds think alike :) thanks for your message to get in touch, i appreciate it :) ill check out the link you gave my :)
peace and <3 oh and btw i see your also a treasure hunter what a coincidence, i also am a metal detectorist and also a passionated gold prospector ;)

Another Indiana Jones :) very nice seems we have a lot in common. Good luck to you on your next search then bro.

yeah exactely, i had someone tattoo the word adventure on my arm, so ill never forget thats what life is about ;) good luck to you too. that the gods of the earthen treasures may be with you :d

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