30 Day Challenge ~~ DAY THREE!

in #life5 years ago

Day Three of the Thirty Day Challenge brings some successes, but we're still not there yet...

30 day - three.png

30 Day Challenge!


Another day up and at 'em before 8AM.. It's a far cry from 5AM or 6AM which I hope to get to, but it's better than I have been hitting lately. I was up and fresh for work, which felt good. Work went well, I enjoyed it actually, perhaps a result of riding the feeling of accomplishment from waking up earlier.

It helped that I fell asleep earlier than I have done all year.. I was exhausted yesterday, and pretty much just passed out in bed when we got home. Not so successful tonight though, as it's getting a bit late. Being Sunday, the kids were home from school, so I tried to do something with them.

I did really well, I feel, with getting my articles written today. I didn't have much of a struggle with figuring out what to write or how to write it, and really enjoyed the process. As for exercise, I could have done better. I didn't manage to make any time for a work out, but I did teach my sons how to ride a bike, and so we spent a lot of time outside, moving.

I'd trade father and son time for exercise though, so I guess it's excusable. I should have more time tomorrow while they are at school.

I'm doing surprisingly well with coffee.. I keep to two cups, one first thing in the morning, and another around lunch time after I finish my morning shift. I brew the coffee myself, and haven't broken down and bought an espresso drink since the challenge started. I know it's only been three days, but considering I used to buy cafe drinks every day, sometimes multiple cups, I think it's not too bad.

It's late, and I'm restless... I'm not tired.. maybe considering the exciting day and sheer volume of sleep I got last night. I normally would fix myself a drink right about now and watch a movie and/or play a video game.. I should go to bed, but my wife is still up.. maybe just one movie... wonder if anything good is on Netflix atm.. probably not..

In Any Case.. That's Three down.. good night!



May it be easy for you

Posted using Partiko Android

Good to see you had some success yesterday mate.

I went alcohol free for one day of my weekend which was good. And hit the gym every day.

I started today at 5am with a 30 minute cycle in the gym. I’ve also stopped my coffee intake at 2 coffees. Tomorrow I plan to be at the gym at 4:40am so that I can start work a bit earlier (6:30am).

If you’re feeling restless maybe just have a shower and go to bed. I find that if I put the TV on late at night I’ll be awake until the wee hours and won’t fit in any gym time the next day.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I wish I could wake up as early as you.. That is the long term goal, but I think I need to get there in increments.. Unfortunately I didn't go to bed early.. I should have taken your advice.. I agree, if I stay up too late, than any chance of waking up to exercise the next day is shot.

We'll get there.. I'm more aware of it now, and rather than overexerting myself to reach my goals and burning out as I have tended to do in the past, I'm gonna play the long game and try to adapt more permanent habits by building them slowly over time.. baby steps..

Although I do feel like kicking my ass for wrecking my sleep last night.. lol

Have a great week!

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