30 Day Challenge ~~ DAY FOUR!

in #life5 years ago

Day Four of my Thirty Day Challenge wasn't the best, but it's behind me and I must accept it, and move on...

30 day - four(2).pngsrc

30 Day Challenge!


I slipped up, a little bit, but enough to knock me off kilter for the fourth day of the challenge.. I ended up staying up way too late last night and forgot to put my phone on the charger. It died over night and I slept in a lot later than I wanted. So, missed my wake up goal for today..

It's amazing how much how you start your day affects the rest of your day.. In my mind, I had already failed the day, and I let that dictate the rest of my day. I was expecting everything else to be failure or something.. This may be the key to turning things around. If I can make myself aware of my internal monologue throughout the day, I can change what I am telling myself, and therefore change how I act, and in turn, how I live..

Sure, I felt pretty crap about myself all day, but if I try, I can look back and see that there were still some highlights and positives that came from the day. For instance, my sons were home from school, so I took them to the library, and brought my laptop.

There is a play area in the library that they like to romp around in and I was able to get some work done. We then went to the park for a short stint where I attempted to teach them how to play badminton, but we had to cut it short because I had to get back to work.

I didn't exercise, but I did limit my coffee intake to two cups in the morning.. so im doing well in at least aspect of my challenge.. better than before, at least.

[Now I'm going to have this song stuck in my head.. 🙂] src

I think that even though I felt pretty horrible all day, even up to the point when I started writing tonight, reflecting on it, I see that it wasn't all that bad.. I realize that If I can hack my mentality earlier, I can change my process of thinking and turn failures into success, as opposed to harping on them and letting them bring down the rest of my days, weeks, months, years..

And with that.. we can close the chapter on one more day.. Hope you have a good one!


Good morning. Its true, how you start the day it goes so.

Posted using Partiko Android

Have a great morning, have a great day!

Sounds like progress to me. Getting to bed at a reasonable time has been a huge hurdle for me as well.

I’m getting a lot better at it though. But if I mess up once during the week it can throw me off kilter for the rest of the week.

Exercise helps a lot. Getting even 30 minutes in can make all the difference with my motivation.

Keep the motivation up mate. You’ll get there.

Thanks for the motivation. I have a good feeling about all of this, I'm gonna try to get some exercise in today.. hopefully it remains sunny, I need to get out of the house.

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