The HANGOVER Remedy To CURE THEM ALL - Trust Me, You Will Thank Me For This!

in #life8 years ago (edited)


Party Time

It's time to celebrate. Celebrate what, you ask? Who Cares, lets celebrate anyway! And off you and your friends go to "celebrate" into the night. Luckily for you, you came prepared. You ate a decent meal hours earlier, and drank plenty of water to hydrate your body. You even had a shot of Extra Virgin Olive Oil as a pre-drinking hangover remedy. Let the drinking begin!

You remember all the wise words that were told to you about drinking: "Beer before Wine, and You'll be fine" and "Liquor before Beer and You'll be in the clear." You and your friends wind up at a bar where they don't serve wine, so you know you will be fine. And since you start off with shots of Jagermeister before drinking beer, you know you will be in the clear. But alas, in the end, it does not matter, as you and your friends wind up doing "JagerBombs," with Guinness Beer. JagerBombs consist of dropping a shot of Jagermeister into a Beer or RedBull, and then downing the drink.

Hair of the Dog


Well something like this happened to me on a Bounty Hunting trip to San Luis Potosi, Mexico. I will owe you the Bounty Hunting story, but you can read past re-posts of prior hunts here:
Story 1 and Story 2(and I will write Bounty Hunt stories when I finish this Project)

While in Mexico, a lawyer friend of ours was helping us locate a fugitive that had fled to San Luis Potosi, Mexico. During one evening, he invited us to meet his family and for dinner. We had a great home cooked Mexican meal, and met his family and extended family. The whole family was quite interested in some of the stories and adventures we had to tell. This was accompanied with some Tequila shots followed by some Modelo Especial Beers, and as the saying goes, "When in Rome do as the Romans." And boy we did we ever.

I have always been able to "hold my liquor," as the saying goes. More so when I was younger, and less so as I have gotten older. I am not really a drinker, but I can keep up when the situation arises. It is the aftermath of the next day that is something I have not been able to figure out, no matter what Pre-Drinking remedy or Drinking strategy I try. Of course not drinking or drinking very little helps in not getting a "hangover" the next day. In this case you did the opposite and you drank the night away, and now awake with a "drum pounding inside your head" and your stomach "spinning in a vortex" giving you the Mother of All Hangovers.

Hair of the Dog is an old saying or name for a remedy that supposedly helps cure hangovers. Hundreds of years ago, it was believed that if one was bit by a rabid dog, then placing that dog's hairs on the wound would cure the infection. Today, the belief is that drinking more alcohol will "cure" or soothe the effects of the hangover, thus the name or saying "Hair of the Dog." I have tried this and it generally works in making you feel better after a night of heavy drinking. There is even some scientific explanations as to why this treatment works, even if temporarily.

The Cure (and no not the Rock Band)


So it is now noon and I am feeling horrible in our hotel room. We are supposed to be locating a fugitive from U.S. Justice but at the moment, I had terrible nausea and a horrible headache. I had tried drinking several beers to attempt to cure this terrible "hangover" to no avail. I would throw up the beer, which is the idea behind "hair of the dog," but it only seemed to make things worse. My partner said that my feet would curl so bad that they looked like "eagle talons curling" when I would vomit. I felt like I was dying.

Luckily for me, my partner has family in San Luis Postosi, and one of them had the Hangover Remedy to Cure them All! She instructed my partner to go to a nearby by bar and to order a shot of "La Piedra." He brought this to the room and told me that his cousin recommended this. I was repelled by the smell of alcohol of course, but in my condition, I was willing to try anything. So I stripped down and jumped into the shower with this drink. I downed it and immediately felt it when it hit the bottom of my stomach. I had to take a knee since I felt the retching about to ensue. And ensue it did. This violent upheaval shook my body, and out was exorcised a yellow foul smelling liquid from the bottom of my insides. I WAS CURED!! This was a miracle. I felt so much better I could not believe it. I personally went down to the bar for 2 things:

  1. One to thank and tip this waiter for this amazing Cure and
  2. for the Recipe of Course.
    I now always have these items in stock at home. Although there is no True HangOver Remedy, I have never had anything that worked so good like this when sick from drinking Alcohol. I hope you never need this recipe, but if you ever have a hang over that you just can't fix or is so horrible that you are willing to take anything, then this is the time to consider "La Piedra," which translates to "The Rock."

    La Piedra

    1 1/2 oz Anissette
    1 1/2 oz White or Blanco Tequila
    2 dashes of Angostura Bitters
    Served in a short tumbler or rocks glass, with or without ice to preference. This is not medical advice, and when drinking, drink responsibly.

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I know a tablespoon of honey keeps you from pissing yourself if taken with bread before bed 😉

Hopefully I won't need this remedy for a few more years @tee-eem I will keep this for future reference.
full $teem ahead!

The only time I've witnessed people pissing themselves at night is when they're ingesting chemicals in their foods which cause the issue.

Case in Point

Arnold Palmer's Half and Half, by Arizona tea company. I've only had that junk once. I was eating zero processed foods and downed a full glass of it at lunch one day. It was there, I was thirsty and dumb.

45 minutes later, back at work, I noticed my crotch felt cool/cold. I look down and realize I've pissed myself. Not a single warning, didn't even feel it while I was pissing. WTF?

Pre-Packaged Lemonade's

seem to have this effect. My wife started drinking lemonade from some fast food join a few years ago. 3 times she pissed the bed without any warning or notice. F'ing RUDE to have that happen. She quit drinking the lemonade and gee-whiz (pun intended) the night urination episodes stopped. Haven't had a problem since.

My child also had a few night pissing episodes, when the lemonade drinking stopped, so did their night problems. Can you imagine how many parents are feeding their children foods/drinks causing night-time incontinence? How horrible for the child's psyche, not being able to control it.

I literally did not feel a need to urinate, and didn't even feel myself urinating that day. I've never had a problem with this before or since. One and only time I drank Arnold Palmer half & half from Arizona. Wow.

So take a look at what you're eating/drinking

cut out all the artificial chemicals for a few weeks and then skip the honey and bread. I'm pretty dang sure you'll be just fine. ;)

Ever Hear of Fusil Oils?

When you drink clean alcohol, you can drink to the point of puking, stumbling, passing out drunk. The next day? No hangover.

Oh sure, you don't feel great, nothing like what fusil oils do for you though. Fusil oils are produced during fermentation, lots more from improper fermentation. The cheaper the alcohol, the more fusil oils you're going to ingest and the worse you're going to feel the next day.

When You're Puking Over and Over?

Make sure you drink a lot of water and agitate your stomach. As you noticed, you felt a LOT better as soon as the 'mass' of crud left your stomach. :) Same thing goes for food problems. :)

Glad you lived. :)

@thecleangame thanks for the support and the info.
full $teem ahead!

hey streetstyle.. i realy like your post! i followed you .. perhaps u are interested in art..if yes check my blog and ull find something u like :)

Thanks @kalipo Your support is much appreciated.
full $teem ahead!

Hi streetstyle,

I use these:

You should take them while drinking.

Thanks for the info. @maarnio It seems that this is a Finnish trick to prevent or help with hangovers. Good to know, and i will have to get some just in case.
full $teem ahead!

Umm correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't "the best cure for a hangover" be "DON'T FREAKING GET DRUNK!"?

nah, read my first response. It's fusil oils.
Hangovers are not caused by alcohol. :)

@venuspcs uhhhh, you owe me an Up Vote because you are wrong. The Best Way to Avoid a hangover is not to get drunk. If you do get terribly drunk and get a hangover from hell where the normal hangover cures or remedies don't work, then I know this will exorcise the demons out of you! Up vote please. lol, thanks.
full $teem ahead

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