Can We Beat The Monday Blues?

in #life8 years ago

Have you ever felt tired, depressed, angry or lifeless on a Monday morning? Do you feel this feeling frequently on Mondays? Well do not worry you are one of the millions of people out there that experiences this phenomena called the “Monday blues”! Here is a short guide to beat it:

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“Tell me why? I don't like Mondays.” - I Don't Like Mondays Lyrics from Boomtown Rats

The Monday blues have become an essential part of our modern lives. There are countless of songs, art and cartoons where people express their hatred and experience of this phenomena (The song I quoted above is just one of them). It is common to typically hear or even say on Sunday nights things like: “Oh no tomorrow is Monday!” or “The weekend was too short!”. But why do we feel this sad feeling?

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This feeling is typically caused by anxiety and little rest. We get this anxiety from large piles of work that we collect through the week. The little rest… well it is caused by late nights of work through the week or late night activities through the weekend. We can fight the problem by knowing what causes the problem.

Plan your work for the weekend.

We usually get a lot of work or assignments throughout the week. Sometimes the load of work is too much to finish during the week. We would usually leave it for the next Monday when the weekend hits our lives. Instead of leaving it for the next week try to work on it the Friday and early Saturday. You should be able to finish or reduce a large amount of your work and would be able to relax and have fun on the weekend. Planning is crucial when working on the weekend. This planning will help you take a big chunk of the anxiety away that causes the Monday blues. Believe me future you will be thankful for your hard work.

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Try to keep your Sunday clean.

The weekend is known for being the time where one does fun activities with friends or family. It is important to note that one must do this activities but try to schedule it on Saturdays or on Sunday mornings if you cannot do it on another day. The Sunday afternoon is your alone, chill time. This chill time can help you recharge your battery and will power. This helps you to eliminate your fatigue that contributes to your overall feeling of Monday tiredness.

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Try waking up early and exercise.

Try waking up early on a Monday morning and this sounds like something that would wear you down even faster, but you would be surprised of the benefits this can give you! You will give you more time to focus yourself for the day and the week if you rise early from the bed. You will increase your focus and endorphemes levels by completing an exercise routine. Exercises can include walking, jogging or even gym programs! This in return will help you to beat the Monday blues!

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Try to spice things up.

Try to spice your Monday Routine by doing things differently than usual daily routine. Try eating a different type of breakfast than your usual daily breakfast. Try to do different things on your break instead of your usual routine. This unusual routine makes your day more interesting and exciting. This will help battle your dose of Monday anxiety.

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Try to visualize how smooth and fun your Monday will be. The power of the mind is very effective way to help you conquer your Monday blues. You can also meditate instead of exercising to help you battle your anxiety and focus yourself on the task at hand. You could really take that edge of your work stress by visualising happy thoughts!

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This was a short post with short simple tips on how to beat the Monday blues. This is not my usual types of posts but due to my rough scheduled month I thought that it would be a good way to keep in contact with my followers. I am still trying to post good content and will not post as frequently as in the past. But things will be back to normal. Hope you enjoyed what you read and hope that you can apply it to your life!

What do you think? Do you suffer from the Monday blues? Leave a comment below. Upvote and follow me if you liked what you read!

And as Always

Thanks for reading!

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Hi @stormblaze
I also dread the Monday's as we always need to do weekly performance reports, where there is always something wrong with the performance, it seems if you can never get everything right.
Furthermore, I just love the weekends to much

I sure do, and I will try to do what you say. Thank you for the well thought out articles we enjoy them.

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