We the Steemers of the United States Unite! We are changing the World!!

in #life7 years ago

They call me paranoid

Most people would call me paranoid.They would tell me that I should trust the U.S. government. They tell me that I am crazy for thinking that 9/11 was a false flag operation. They call me crazy when I say that the masses are blind to what is really going on.

I do not understand why people cannot see that we are all being manipulated in every way. We are so brainwashed that even when actual proof of something is still not enough to make us change our minds.

We are being watched, we are being tracked.The government is collecting information about us. These are all comments that will label you a conspiracy nut. People look down on you and think that you are crazy.Snowden leaked a huge amount of information that proved all of these things were true, yet the people are still sleeping. We are being watched, the government is tracking us. What will it take for people to wake up?

Now I understand that if you are looking for something you will find it. People seem to try to dig through trash to find one scrap of information that supports their claim, but below is a list of known unclassified projects that the U.S. government has been guilty of.


the program subjected humans to experiments with drugs such as LSD and barbiturates, hypnosis and (some reports indicate) radiological and biological agents.

Operation Paperclip

The USA recruited 1500 German scientists, technicians, and engineers from Nazi Germany and created false employment histories and expunged Nazi Party memberships and regime affiliations from the public record

Forced Sterilization of Native Americans

During the late 1960s and the early 1970s, a policy of involuntary surgical sterilization was imposed upon Native American women in the United States, usually without their knowledge or consent, by the federally funded Indian Health Service (IHS), then run by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). It is alleged that the existence of the sterilization program was discovered by members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) during its occupation of the BIA headquarters in 1972. A 1974 study by Women of All Red Nations (WARN), concluded that as many as 42% of all American Indian women of childbearing age had, by that point, been sterilized without their consent.

Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods was a series of proposals for actions against the Cuban government. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or other operatives, to commit acts of terrorism in US cities. The operation proposed creating public support for a war against Cuba by blaming it for terrorist acts. This proposal was rejected by the Kennedy administration.

CIA’s Involvement in Drug Smuggling

In the early ’80s the CIA helped facilitate the widespread sale of cocaine in poor L.A. neighborhoods to help finance the covert war against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. The journalist who revealed this later killed himself after a smear campaign. The CIA was helping smuggle cocaine into the US.

Gulf of Tonkin Incident

In 2005, NSA documents were declassified proving that the second Gulf of Tonkin incident, which was used as a justification for the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (which led to the Vietnam War), never happened.

Operation LAC

Operation LAC (Large Area Coverage), was a U.S. Army Chemical Corps operation which dispersed microscopic zinc cadmium sulfide (ZnCdS) particles over much of the United States. The purpose was to determine the dispersion and geographic range of biological or chemical agents. Bacillus globigii was used to simulate biological warfare agents (such as Anthrax) because it was then considered a contaminant with little health consequence to humans, however, BG is now considered a human pathogen. Anecdotal evidence exists of ZnCdS having adverse health effects as a result of LAC, however, the government denied this.

Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

The Tuskegee syphilis experiment was an infamous clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the U.S. Public Health Service to study the natural progression of untreated syphilis in rural African American men who thought they were receiving free health care from the U.S. government. The 40-year study was controversial for reasons related to ethical standards, primarily because researchers knowingly failed to treat patients appropriately after the 1940s validation of penicillin as an effective cure for the disease they were studying.

Operation Mockingbird

In the 1950’s the CIA began Operation Mockingbird. The operation was to influence and manipulate the media towards their political and social views. They recruited thousands of American journalists and funded student organizations and magazine fronts to channel their views through.

Operation Midnight Climax

The project consisted of a web of CIA-run safehouses in San Francisco, Marin, and New York. It was established in order to study the effects of LSD on unconsenting individuals. Prostitutes on the CIA payroll were instructed to lure clients back to the safe houses, where they were surreptitiously plied with a wide range of substances, including LSD, and monitored behind one-way glass. Several significant operational techniques were developed in this theater, including extensive research into sexual blackmail, surveillance technology, and the possible use of mind-altering drugs in field operations.

More than 100 million Americans received a polio vaccine contaminated with a potentially cancer-causing virus.

From 1954 to 1961, simian virus 40 (SV40) somehow showed up in polio vaccines, according to the American Journal of Cancer. Researchers estimate 98 million people in the US, and even more worldwide received contaminated inoculations.

The US government sold weapons to Iran, violating an embargo, and used the money to support Nicaraguan militants.

In 1985, senior officials in the Reagan administration facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, then under embargo. The government, with the National Security Council's Oliver North acting as a key player, later used the profits to fund the Contras, anticommunist rebels, in Nicaragua.

A public-relations firm organized congressional testimony that propelled US involvement in the Persian Gulf War. In 1990, a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl identified only as "Nayirah" testified before Congress that she witnessed Iraqi soldiers pulling infants from their incubators at a hospital and tossing them to the ground to die. A later investigation revealed that PR giant Hill & Knowlton arranged her testimony for a client, Kuwaiti-sponsored Citizens for a Free Kuwait, and furthermore that Nayirah was the daughter of Kuwait's Ambassador to the US, according to The New York Times.

If you did not catch that,read Operation Northwoods one more time.Does this sound farmiluar?

Wake up

With all the things we know of what the U.S. government has done, why do most people still think that we are safe? The problem is that we all believe what we are told. We believe what the television and the radio say. But take another look at Operation Mockingbird,what makes you thing that is not happening right now?

We need to quit following and start to learn for ourselves. We have the most powerful tool that man as ever made, the internet. Research until you find the truth, it is out there, and if is not it will be. Do not eat what they feed you,it's poison.

The best plan that these powers have done is to form a "norm". This is when everyone hs the exact same belief. They want it this way, it keeps them from working so hard. When everyone is moving in one direction then it easy to spot some one going against the grain. It is easy to spot someone that is out of line. It is easy to spot the person that is thinking for themselves.

When this happens the others in the "norm" begin to tell the individual that they are crazy, that they are a conspiracy nut. Even with the proof staring them right in the face they will not deviate from there path, they will not change there way of thinking. This is not allowed. True individual thinking is frowned upon. We are being trained to be consumers, we are taught we cannot live without inanimate objects. We are being taught that we are safe and our government will take care of us. We are being lied to.

The change

The biggest finger in the governments face is crypto. The government is scared of all kinds of crypto, especially Bitcoin. This is why they try too tell everyone that it is nothing but a bubble, that it will never work. They know that if the block-chain becomes an everyday part of life, it will not allow them to control the masses.

This will also not allow them to take advantage of us. It will expose everything that they do in the ledger.

You can see the fear when big money tries to convince the government not to invest in crypto. They are trying to stop the inevitable. They are trying to stop the progression of a people that want to take control back. In most countries the government is scared of the people, but in the U.S. the people are scared of the government. Now the government is starting to get scared of the people. WE have the power to take our lives in our own hands and live life , without the control of government.

For me, being a part of steem is a finger to the man. It is a revolution that cannot be stopped. We are all a part of the biggest change that our world has seen in generations. This is only the beginning, we need to stand for what we believe in. This is a revolution, and we are on the front lines, and just know steemers, Ive got your back!




Excellent brother!
Might I add a few more things on your list for all these good Steemians to research? Because I believe that knowledge and using said knowledge to be put into action is true power!
I hope that you all will familiarize yourself so with the research work of a few gentlemen that I have never seen mentioned here on Steemit.

First off, if people have ever wondered why the government ALWAYS enacts legislation contrary to common sense or what "constituents" want, there is a very good reason for that...

The United States of America is not for us. Everybody needs to study and understand law. Point blank, period. It is the number one occult art form that affects us every single day but the everyday average Joe knows little to NOTHING about.
So I'll say it again. The United States of America is not for us. "We" are not "We the People" nor are we the "Posterity"
There are many words capitalized in those founding documents called CAPITONYMS, which when a word normally not capitalized in a sentence is, it changes the meaning of the word to a very SPECIFIC noun.
The good ole USA is a private, for profit business that the good ole boys set up for the bloodlines, their bloodlines. This is why all the president's are related to the British monarchy. These are facts.
It was set up as a covert extension of European feudalism and there is always a dualism in everything. There is a public side of government for us and a private side of government for the Posterity. Power never leaves the Posterity, which is what those not in the know constantly refer to as "the Deep State"
The agenda is always the same no matter what two party puppet is in the oval office.

Anyone is free to disagree with me but before anybody starts blasting the messenger, I urge everyone to follow the trail of evidence...
Please check out the essays of James Montgomery, The Informer, and Clint Richardson for starters. David Williams of Matrix Solutions on YouTube is a great ice breaker to comprehending what is really going on.
Check out his series "Power Never Leaves the Posterity."
Other channels are Absalom Obsidian Mirror and Wind0w Ninja

It is refreshing to find like minded people in the world. It is hard to go against the"norm". We are like sheeple, when we stick our heads up o see where we are going, we get smacked back down.If we all unite, there is nothing that can stop us. Thank you for your comment, and keep on steemin!

And when this is pointed out I find that I'm met with fierce resistance.
Called crazy ect.
I point out that the police were listening to cell phones before operation 'Stingray' was uncovered.
I wrote about manipulation and the selling of Data, weeks ago and my own family is upset, so I don't bother with FB anymore.
And so it goes.

I resemble that remark! I deactivated my fakebook acct. several weeks ago myself. I felt like it had outlived it's usefulness in my life as I became more and more conscious about the oblivious way I had been living my life. It's a bitter pill to swallow, uncovering the fact hat my whole life had been built upon a foundation of lies and that my actions had contributed to the intentional loss of life of so many people. Though indirectly, I realized that I am just as responsible as the person that poisons the well or ends a life.
We can only continue to move forward and have a sentient grip on our thoughts, actions, and reactions from here on out.
Like yourself @henry-gant, I meet with fierce resistance on an almost daily and constant basis, as well as constantly getting cut off and interrupted, talked over, argued with, or just ridiculed and dismissed.
At one time I was overly cautious of being labeled as "offensive" and last month I was let go/fired from a job because I was told I was "abrasive". I guess I am but we are long past the point of tip-toeing around the giant pink elephant in the room called truth.
The duality of the brain is the hardest hurdle for each man or woman to overcome but it is the way that I found inner peace and I have no qualms about dying to bring about a better world.

I want to offer a little more explanation so that those that are new to this ahem "conspiracy theory" lol, can get a better idea of WHY everything is always so SECRETIVE here and why LIE after LIE keeps rolling out and the facts keep rolling in. There is truly nothing new under the sun as it says it in the Bible and this millennia old system keeps going round and round...
Once I figured this out, the world suddenly made a great deal more sense. It's all about DUALITY down here in this construct.
There have always been the haves and there have always been the have nots.
All this centers around a couple of key concepts or ideologies: the first is what they call "the Divine right to rule" which dates back to the mists of antiquity and has it's roots in the ancient empires of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China... basically anywhere that has a continuous 5000+ year history give or take. All these cultures will have some striking histories in common such as fabled geneologies that they "trace" back to gods or demigods.
Whether or not it's true or not is of no consequence to me.
These families are obsessed with bloodlines, genes, intermarriage, and strange and perverse behaviors that are outside the scope of what I care to elaborate on here. One of the most notable behaviors that seems to be ingrained is an overarching need to hoard, dominate, subjugate, and control everything and ANYTHING they deem valuable on the planet.
This includes land, precious metals and minerals, natural resources, and PEOPLE...
They are very brilliant, they collude with one another, plot in secret, operate in secret, and most definitely are occult magicians that have used occult knowledge on us for thousands of years without us ever realizing it.
So the deeper and deeper I research their his-stories, I find it equally disturbing and fascinating the methods and measures that they use and resort to, in order to bring about their plan.
Their has always been some form of slavery, bondage, or servitude, in every consolidation of empire from Sumeria and Babylon, to Egypt, India, Greece, Rome, Sub-Saharan Africa, Feudal Medieval Europe, Pre-Columbian America, and here. @stefanmolyneux has a great video called "The Story of Your Enslavement" which gives a 12-15 minute concise overview of the world timeline

Throughout human history, there has always existed 2 other concepts and ideologies that form the triumvirate or "holy Trinity" and those are the ideas of money/banking/finance which arose out of the necessities of trade/exchange/commerce and that of Religion which arose out of man's unending obscession and fear of death combined with the innate need to know and understand everything about the reality we are all born into, why things happen, and what happens after we leave this life.
So, if you watched Stefan's video above, the combined fears of death, torture, starvation, imprisonment, and the unknown are powerful controlling forces over people, and have always been exploited to get others to do someone's bidding.
So just to recap, these 3 seemingly independent but intertwined forces form the Matrix Trinity of Church, State, and Bank. A fourth class that I like to refer to as the warrior class or Spade class is the enforcement arm, military, and police that acts as the shield and will always do the bidding of whomever they serve whether it be their king,liege lord, general, or financier if they work as mercenaries.
The old saying that politics makes for strange bedfellows always comes to mind.
A brute thug that enjoys killing for sport will gladly go kill whomever for a paycheck or under some artificial ideal such as nationalism, patriotism, racial-cultural-religiosocial beLIEf of superiority...
Human beLIEfs and the occult manipulation of psychology have been our own undoings.
I look out across the known/unknown historical record and marvel at the wondrous accomplishments we have made in the last 5-6000 years... we're closer to being more totally complacent, ignorant, and enslaved than we every have been. And I'm still trying to figure out why I am here and what it is I was sent here to do.

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