in #life8 years ago (edited)

This guy speaks the truth about Mexicans and attitudes in America !

Parth S.
There is only one race on the planet and that is the HUMAN race. LIVE, LET LIVE and LEARN TO LIVE should be everyone's motto in LIFE...God Bless...!!

Angelo M.
"Immigrants are stealing our jobs!" Stop trying to find your excuse to your bigotry and racsim. Studies show immigrants have a positive impact on the economy.

Patricia T.
I've always said that you don't see Americans lining up to pick crops in the fields in the heat, but those same ones are whining about Mexicans stealing their jobs. Meanwhile, google crops rotting in Alabama fields! Workers are afraid to show up and nobody else is willing to do the job!

Elaine J.
Thank you this needed to be told. Mexicans are hard worker. I know because they did some work for me. They did a good job and I had no complaints !!!

Rhoda R.
What Trump followers don't understand is this.
All these jobs he will produce will be all the jobs that these illegals were doing.
Problem is Americans won't work these jobs.

Richard A.
This man speaks such deep truth not just about Mexicans but - to the mentality of some Americans. That group that constantly is trying to divide, criticize and blame. Rather than being so judgemental and critical, so quick to speak up .... maybe it's .

Tamela W.
Ive never heard it said better! Ive worked beside hundreds of these workers and it always their second job of the day or they r leaving to go to that second job! They work harder than anyone lve ever seen! They do the jobs we r too good to do anymore.

Leon R.
Why don't all you white supremacists that are out of work take the jobs that the Mexicans are doing? The white boss will hire you. You are to freaking lazy and can only run you racist mouth, just like Donald Trump... Trump is going down!! (Trump is going down on Putin)

Perry E.
Isn't that the White American truth! While our spoiled upper class , Trump spoiled kids sit in luxury wining poor me, some hard Latino trying to make an honest living gets screwed by Trumps family
