Lifestyle Habits You Should Consider

in #life7 years ago (edited)

A Positive Lifestyle


There have been quite a couple of tips I have been itching to share, things we could do differently to improve our health both emotionally and physically but as a result of my busy schedules, procrastination has been the bailout. Finally have been able to piece some together and here we are. Our lifestyle decisions are key in determining our health position and ultimately our lifespan which it could either elongate or cut it down. Sometimes, these routines and choices could be difficult to keep up with because of a thing or the other but in achieving anything in life determination and self-discipline are resources we can’t afford to underutilize. This brings me to some brief lifestyle tips which we should consider and follow through with towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


The first thing I would like to run through is one which most of us are familiar with and can’t be over-emphasized which is the increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, they are way healthier and natural than even vitamin supplements and other antioxidants you consume. A fruit a day keeps the doctor away is no fluke as researcher confirmed that the consumption of roughly 800 grams of fruits and vegetables a day could help boost your blood vessels and immune system as well as reduce your cholesterol levels and blood pressure. With these amazing benefits, what’s your excuse for not consuming a fruit or vegetable daily?


Secondly, is the consumption of enough water and staying hydrated as much as possible. You must have heard of cases where top celebrities and businessmen slumping as a result of dehydration, this goes on to tell us how dangerous not consuming enough water could be which in effect led to doctors recommending the consumption of a minimum of 1-2litres of water daily to help keep you hydrated, aid digestion, refreshed, healthy, fatigue-free and also reduce the risk of having kidney related problems.


Thirdly is exercising regularly, registering at a gym could be a source of motivation for you to keep up when you see people steady working out keep fit rather than doing your exercises at home. In the absence of a nearby gym, you could as well do your routines at home making use of online video tutorial as a guide. It is recommended by sports experts to exercise between 30-60 minutes on an average of 4-6days a week. Exercising helps you stay fit and in shape with it serving as an anti-aging mechanism. It also reduces the risk of diseases and increases your energy level.


Your sexual health is also an important aspect that shouldn’t be overlooked. Sexual abstinence is usually advised sometimes but we know most people regardless still engage in the act which is the more reason you should practice safe sex by staying abreast with techniques on how to stay safe and live healthily.


Lastly, getting a reasonable amount of rest is also essential as it guarantees your mental and physical health. It is recommended you get a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep daily to keep you refreshed and prepared for your daily activities.

Which of these have you started practicing?


Thanks friend :)

Well, all of them. And I also have to say that as a human beings we are high maintenance, so to complete all points from this list also requires some time, which most adults really can't afford.

Yes, we need to always make out time to rest and also spend with family and friends as that helps us to stay relaxed and maintain the necessary balance that's needed in life.

Good work.. Learnt a thing or two from this.

I'm glad you did :)

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