''The wise warrior avoids the battle''

in #life6 years ago


Nothing like the wisdom of Sun Tzu! 🔮 ✨
While the meaning behind his quote is one related to war, I still think it is nonetheless a powerful statement that can be used in a general way in life.
There is very much strength that comes from avoiding the battle, that is, from choosing to not fight, or at least, to not fight back.
I call it surfing the wave. In other words, it is to say things that you know you should say in order to bring the situation down.
To not raise your weapon. To put it down. To not throw the bullets to someone, even when your ego begs you to.

I believe that it is a winning formula, and that it can be applied in any sphere of life.
It can also be seen as a brilliant way to develop oneself, to become a better human.
Remaining patient and understanding in times of tension is a powerful skill that takes time to master.
I think it’s like physical activity. You gotta train yourself every day to become better at it.
Keeping your cool in moments where you feel like you have every reason not to is the ultimate test. It’s like gym but for the brain.
You gotta keep on going, even when the going gets tough.
In a way, it also determines something very important: how much you value the person standing in front of you.
What’s more important to you? Giving in to your ego’s incessant needs or preserving the quality of what you share with the other person?


Words are everything.
They are the most powerful instance.
They are the reason as to why we choose to get one product over another, they are how we build meaningful relationships with others.
They can either empower or destroy.
Words impact people.
Hence, they should be used with caution.
Because once said, they can never be taken back.
Sometimes, it only comes down to a matter of words to make someone world collapse.
Humans can forget a lot of things.
But they will never forget the words you said that cut them deep.
''I hate you'' is enough to tear a relationship apart.
''You are fat'' is all it takes to trigger a possible eating disorder.
''You should kill yourself'' can lead to this terrible outcome.
It is like writing with a pen and making a mistake.
Sure, you can use liquid paper to cover up the mistake.
But you can’t go back to the way it was before.
There’s no erasing it.



Great quote!!!
Did you read his book?
First time I have ever heard of him but I might get the book.

AWWWW really?
Wow I'd be so glad if I made you discover someone you like😍
I didn't:(
No library has it 😭

Yes really.
Yeah it is about time. ;) lol We definitely have different mindsets about some things. I'm more of a Luimarco kind of guy only I'm way less jaded. https://www.youtube.com/user/luimarco
Plus I need to work out more and eat better. lol

No library has it?!
That doesn't seem right. It sounds like a really classic book.
I could buy it for under $4 on Ebay https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313.TR11.TRC1.A0.H0.Xsun+tzu.TRS0&_nkw=sun+tzu&_sacat=0
but I have other stuff to do before I read that book even though it does sound awesome.

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