The Universe Is Looking Out For You

in #life6 years ago

'' We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer. ''


Rising from the ashes: ''to be rebuilt after destruction''
One has to burn, reset and rise from the ashes.
I may have gone through a lot of insanity in my life, but I somehow always managed to find one reason to keep holding on, in the midst of it all.
The universe looking out for me is one of them.
There’s a comfort in knowing that better days are ahead.
It helps to imagine that there is someone out there watching you.
That your turn will come.
That one day, you will look back to today and realize just how far you have come.

While I believe that a part of our heart never fully repairs itself from the pain it has endured, it can still heal if we want it to.
There’s something about pain and the power of memories.
When you revisit either mentally, or in person, the places you were at during times of extreme darkness, it feels as if you can sort of feel and remember precisely what the pain felt like.
The heart may heal, but the mind does not forget.


When life crashes, it likes to crash all at once.
And it’s not as if you get the luxury of receiving a warning before it happens.
It just happens.
And then you wonder…. How do you move forward when the odds are stacked against you?
When all your hopes and dreams catch on fire?
When everything you’ve ever believed in suddenly goes to waste?
How do you center yourself, when you can’t even comprehend what is happening to you?
The best you can do is to seek for inner peace.
Try to cling onto any bits of it you can find.
Hold on to it, until the universe helps you find the way.

Need I say more? 🔮 ✨

While our life story is what makes us unique as no one shares the exact same one as ours, we ought to remember that someone out there may think and feel the same way as we do in times of deep suffering.
As ironic as it may sound, the pain comes to us to soften our heart.
The first life that we live is the one which takes place in the so-called real world.
The second life that we live is the one which takes place in our mind.
Isn’t it fascinating yet crazy to think that everything we feel and think is a product that we create ourselves?
We can create happiness for ourselves, yet we can create suffering, and even magnify the pain.
We can be kind toward ourselves, or we can choose to be very hard on ourselves and punish ourselves for every tiny mistake we do.
We can let our emotional side rule us, just like we can choose to be a slave to our rational side.
Simply put, we are incredibly powerful when it comes to how we choose to use our mind.
And yet, most of us let it take full control over us.
Does it have to be this way?



Nice article and the message! To trust in universe is very important. All things that happen in our life, have a sense. Most of them we can´t explain with our spirit. That´s a very difficult thing. I believe that the universe always wants the best for everyone.

Hey ya! Gotta say I love your username !! 😍
Well said! I do believe in karma tho! You reap what you sow!

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