The Price Of Love Is Pain

in #life4 years ago


You know how the saying goes - nothing good in life comes easy. Overdosing on joy comes at a high price - and that price is pain. Even the strongest bulletproof vest on the market won’t protect you from the blow of the pain that comes with the territory of romantic love. Heartbreak aside - the person you love is going to hurt you in a way or another, you have to expect it. I know how badly we love to hang on to our utopian vision of love, but the truth of the matter is that at the end of the day, Disney movies belong in fiction and not in reality.

Happily ever after makes for great movies, but it’s a shame we use that idealized narrative as a way of shaping our love stories. Funnily enough, Disney made a living out of selling us this false idea that love is all unicorns and rainbows , while mainstream media, on the other hand, thrives big time out of bombarding us with all the madness going on in our mad world. Moral of the story, there’s always more that meets the eye than what we see on our screens. Moral # 2: people will do anything - lots of lying included - to make bank and profit off our lack of awareness.

Pain is just part of the Love game. You can hate it, cry about it, throw a fit, but sadly there is no escaping it. Committing to love equates committing to pain. Is it worth the try? Well my friend that’s for you to decide. The more attached you are to an outcome, the more you’ve got to lose when reality suddenly decides to shift its trajectory. Heartbreak hurts so much because we cling so desperately to this belief that love can only exist so long as the person to whom our love is tied to doesn’t exit our lives.

We’ve got to see it for what it really is. It’s gonna hurt alright. Badly enough at times, so much so that you might even find yourself flirting with the idea of suicide. Pain is and always will remain the teacher we never asked for but forever needed. When love hurts so much it feels like our body is dying from the inside, we ought to remember this one tragic truth - that one day, in a distant future that seems unimaginable for us to picture right now, it will hurt a little less, until it might, if we’re lucky enough, one day, not hurt anymore.


Have you ever dated a nice guy?

Love is always an interesting topic. It is strange how something like short term romantic love can bring so much hurt and pain. It is hard because our brains are almost hard wired to act this way. Rationally, somewhere submerged deep in our beings, we know that the pain is a ridiculous reaction, but speaking from my own experience, I have mourned harder for relationships that lasted is hindsight for just seconds of my life. Maybe it is how we encounter and relate time. When we are young, time is slow. Every moment is a thousand years with this person we love, but as we age, we realize how insignificant those moments were, but we also strangely carry the scars of those intense moments. Like ghosts that haunt us.

To make my rambling even longer. Love hurts because we have to greave the end of it. Or more accurately, we have to come down of the drug that it is.

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