Pain That Leads To pleasure, Or Pleasure That Leads To Pain?

in #life5 years ago

The latter any given day, the masochist in me would say.


Here it goes again. This feeling of dread consuming you. Did you really thought it was going to magically disappear?
No amount of Money. Glory. Fame. Power. Sex. Love. can take away your inner demons. They will outlive all of it.
These superficial rewards may temporarily make you forget the darkness of your soul, but they will never make it go away.

We pursue empty things disguised as treasures because we feel terribly empty on the inside. We simply project our internal reality to the external world.
We falsely believe that somehow -someone - something - some status or some possession will make us feel whole again. But it can’t be. It never will be.

No one and nothing can cure your broken soul but yourself.
How silly would it be to impose such a difficult and complex task upon someone else. Why do you think we come into this world alone? To exit it the same way. And in between, to collect as many moments of false happiness as we can to remind ourselves that this very life is worth the shot.

Maybe if we weren’t so allergic to pain, life wouldn’t be as torturous at it is. Maybe then, we would stop looking for unhealthy ways to put a stop to it.
Sure a million bucks or some great drugs will put a pause to our pain, but we will still be locked in the prison of our own mind the next day. Why numb the fuck out of our pain when it was made to be felt?

Is pain a secret route for more pleasure? Or is pleasure a secret path that is paved with pain?

Anything pleasurable can become painful in the right circumstances.
Love can be blissful, yet it can also bring excruciating pain.
Mind altering substances can take you to paradise, yet the downfall back to earth can be deadly.
Glory can make your ego feel on top of the world, yet it can also make your soul feel terribly empty.
There are always two sides to a coin.

While pain can hit you like a ton of bricks, it can also pave the way to the blissful path of introspection. It can make you uncover some hidden strengths within you. Pain can be the call for the opening of your consciousness. And that road can take you to euphoric places…


"There are always two sides to a coin."

Is that an absolute necessity? Can't we make a three-sided coin?

Sab's 3-sided coins. Be the first on your block to own one:
1)pain, 2)pleasure... and what would the third side of the coin be called?

Needless to say you made my day by saying that💜
I'm loving that one! I almost want to hear what @twiceuponatime has to suggest for the third side of the coin. This is such a good one that I can't come up yet with an answer:P

Freely the Devil gives Sab pleasure
Grudgingly God gives her pain
In twiceupon's world
Both songs are the same.

Wow! We love such a profound commentary!
Is @twiceuponatime both a god and a devil?!

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