Modernity Designed For Misery

in #life5 years ago

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The American Lie

They wanna divert the attention of the masses. Exploit our vulnerabilities. Take advantage of our psychological weaknesses. Fuck with our minds a little. Why not create a full world of absent-minded people ? Intermittent fixes of dopamine is all it really takes to keep us asleep in our own little bubble of delusion. “As long as your happy, that’s all that matters.” The truth is that the path they laid out for us isn’t one that leads to happiness. It’s one that leads to misery and more fakery.

They’re tryna make us get away from our roots - to make us lose touch with our very own essence. Everything is made out to keep us mindlessly busy and entertained. We’re constantly connected to external outlets - yet we’re deeply disconnected with ourselves.
What’s real in a world where all is fake? What’s real in a shit show where everyone wears masks as if it were their true identity? How can we show the real world our true colors anyway? We don’t even know who we are in the first place. We’re all lost trying to find home in a place that doesn’t want us to belong.

When I say go let’s all drop our fake identities, throw our ego out the door, take the elevator and escape from this mess. You are free to be. Stop people pleasing. Fuck people judging. Don’t let anyone cast you in a binary social system that you don’t want to be part of. Create your own path. Make your own mark. Follow your own narrative.
Step away from the illusions society tries to lure you into. Life is too short to follow anyone’s agenda but your own. It might hurt for a while to take your own stand and dare to be you. But I promise you that it’ll be worth it all. You’ll inspire others to do the same.

Turn off your phone, take off your shoes, go ground yourself into this beautiful earth. Go hug a tree. Go meet your neighbors. Smile to everyone you see today. Sprinkle kindness everywhere you go. Tell your mom you love her. Tune into humanity. We don’t have to let the world fuck us up.
We all have some magic in us. We all hold gifts inside of our hearts that are only waiting to be discovered and shared with the world. What are we waiting for? Society’s approval? It won’t happen.
Let’s seek our own approval.
It starts now.


This belongs in the #supporthonesty challenge!

Posted using Partiko Android

Aww! That is so sweet of you to say!💜
Thank you very much☺️🙏🏻✨❤️

Someone’s enjoying the warm weather lately


You can hug a tree...and maybe that tree might feel it a bit...but that's just a moment in a long lifetime for that tree. Instead, fill your pockets with seeds, and spend a day planting dozens of trees on a walk through nature. Then, to those trees, though they won't even remember you, you will be everything, because you ensured that they got to live.

And if you do that more than once, and make a habit of it, eventually you will have planted a forest, and be a force against all the others who just knock them down, because some unthinking behemoth of a corporation paid them a few bucks to do so.

Doing that, maybe even just occasionally, you can reclaim wastelands. Reclaim deserts. Make your own forests of trees and patches of beauty. It has been done before. It can be done again. It could become a thing. We could reverse all the shit that these past generations have told us we should do, and we've found out, will destroy the only home we have, Earth.

Whatever people do, we really should take a long look at ourselves, because it's pretty damn obvious that this isn't working. This can't go on. Things have to change. If we keep on going on this way, we'll all just end up in cardboard cages...which probably won't even be made from trees, because they'll all be dead. Maybe we'll plug ourselves into a matrix and live in a digital world while the real one is a wasteland.

This reality is brought to you by Coca Cola and Mentos. Because it's all exploding and getting everywhere and it's time we start to panic.

Sorry for being a bit off topic.

We are so very much on the same wavelength, on the last Coffee and Philosophy show we discussed the current climate as "Misery by Design", I will leave the article below. There is a link in there to a recording of the show as well, maybe you might be interested in joining us on the air for conversation sometime?

Suicide, Death & the Human Condition

Much love and copious hugs in your direction :)

Wow!!! What a crazy coincidence that is! Such a similar title too! I guess we really are on the same frequency after all ✨🌟🙏🏻
I will go check it out for sure! Is that a podcast ? Would love to be able to hear it:)

Much love your way beautiful friend 💘😘

Its always great to find like minded people to interact with, genuine interaction and discussion of what we are experiencing in our lives existence... :)

The Coffee and Philosophy show hosted by @clayboyn is an interactive radio program on MSP Waves which is part of the P.A.L Discord, we hang out every week and dissect the human experience through philosophical and psychological constructs, we do thought experiments and just have fun exploring the universe.

Considering the content you post and the similarities in mindset i would say you would be in your element on the air waves having a chat with us :)

Check out the schedule and see if you are interested, if you have any questions fire away, since Clay is tagged he should be able to get the 411 with whats up.

Much love and copious hugs in your direction :)

For sure I've been reading her posts for quite a while and used to curate some of them when I was still doing that. @steemityourway would be an awesome guest! We do the show live on Saturday nights at 11 CST (midnight EST) and talk about a lot of the same type of things. Let us know if you want to join us one night and see where it goes.

Awww! ❤️ I just saw this now wow 😍
Thanks so much for considering me as a future guest. It would be an honour ^^ Is this 10pm Montreal time?:P

Looks like the show starts at midnight Montreal time. Not sure if you're a night owl, but apparently the Aussies like the time lol. We would love to have you on though if the time is cool for you.

Your answer made my day. They don’t get any sweeter than you, do they!? That is so kind and thoughtful l of you to say:) it’s a shame I’ve been missing out on these talks. I do remember who Clay is for his very thought provoking posts.

The universe works in ways I have yet to fully comprehend - but I do believe we totally connect on some sort of vibrational frequency ✨🔮🌟💜

Flattery will get you everywhere :P seriously though , im happy to hear my comment brightened up your day :)

All the shows are recorded and posted, so if any of the topics catch peoples eye they can have a look at the backlog, Its not 'super official' and we just go wherever the conversation leads so its quite organic :)

I believe that if we follow our autonomy and sense of self, we find and gravitate towards those on the same path.

much love and copious hugs :)

"Becoming a Woman in Zanskar"

I love a skilled stalker;)
Thanks so much for the video 💜

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