I have a dream

in #life7 years ago

''No one has changed the world by doing what the world has told them to.''

I designed myself a hoodie a couple years back, and I wrote on big prints ''Blame Society''.
I was going through a dark phase of my existence and I felt like there was no possible escape from this world.
You can only try to numb the pain with drugs, alcohol, food, sex, gambling, medication, tv, social media, name it.
But life will always come back around the corner someday to hit you even harder.
And what will you do?
Fall back into the same unhealthy patterns?
That's what I had been doing for too long.
You can't escape reality.
You need to face the pain for what it truly is, as hard as it possibly can be.

For the first time since the last 7 years of my life, I decided that this time, I was going to change my life by not putting a band-aid on the pain I've been feeling for too long.
This time, I was going to open up the wound and get to the core of it to understand why I feel the way I feel and how I can find a new way to see my pain.

I don't want to keep on wearing my ''Blame Society'' hoodie anymore.
Blaming and complaining about society will not change anything.
I still acknowledge that it has been designed in a way to make us feel and act a way that is detrimental to the human species.

The more books I read, the more knowledge I acquire, yet the more aware I become of the damages of social conditioning.

Some statistics on their own are alarming.

We live in a society in which 50% of marriages end in divorce, yet millions of people make this lifetime commitment every single day.

We live in a society in which antidepressants use are on the rise, because millions of humans are suffering.

We live in a society in which the need to look physically attractive is more important than the need of being kind.

We live in a society in which money rules everything.
Which is also one of the main leading causes of divorce.

We live in a society in which people compare, judge and hurt one another.

We are told to go to school in order to get a diploma and work for the majority of our lives.

We are caught up in survival mode.
And we try to get as much happiness as we can in between.

You can tell me that this is a pessimistic way to look at things, but these are facts.
Facts that make it hard to survive sometimes.

School never taught me to love myself.
School never taught me emotional intelligence skills.
School never taught me how to love and maintain it.
School never taught me the power of kindness.
School never taught me how to become a better human.
In fact, school focuses on one type of intelligence only.
It does not allow space for creativity.
It does not always offer compassion and understanding to the ones who suffer from mental illness and can't keep up with the pace.
It does not give you the tools to truly lead a happy life.

I believe in the power of education.
However, in this digital age, the real education starts once you leave the classroom.
And I think once you understand that, it changes everything.

If life came with an instruction book,
I don't think they handed society the right one.

So what do we do now?

Kindness has the answer.


Kindness is my philosophy.

One year ago, I decided that I was going to be kind against all odds.

I decided that I was going to make kindness more than a mission: a life purpose.

I decided that I was going to give power to kindness, even to the ones that would hurt me.

Because they are also the ones who need it the most.

It has not been an easy journey.

I did not always succeed.

But to tell you the truth, it changed my life in a way that I did not think was possible.

And it showed me that the most incredible things in life are the ones hiding inside our souls.

Everyday since then, I made sure to spread as much kindness as I could.

It is the most powerful weapon we can use to make this world a much improved place.

Kindness has no limits, no boundaries, and yet, its power is too often underestimated.

With kindness, anything becomes possible.

It can heal marriages, it can solve conflicts, it can make any environment shine again.

And the most amazing thing about it is that every human being has the power to choose kindness and to say yes to it every waking day.

At the end of the day, we are all humans.
We are all living on the same earth.
We will all unfortunately die one day.
We are all trying to do our best to survive and to be happy.
Life is too short not to be kind.

Kindness can solve more things than we can even imagine.

I have a dream which consists of creating a new society that's established on the principles of kindness and love.

I don't know how I will get there.

I might fail.
I might succeed.
But one thing is sure.

I'm going anyway.


WOW!!! such an inspirational post. Never give up on something you truly believe in.!! :) :)

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!!!❤💙
You made my day by saying this✨ :)

"I decided that I was going to give power to kindness, even to the ones that would hurt me." This is a brave and difficult way to live - good on you.
NB. 50% of marriages end in divorce, but 75% of marriages last a lifetime. The other 25% are the same people going round and round in circles.
Upvoted & resteemed.

Wow thank you so much for that:)
It means so much:)

NB. Your new stats made me smile;)

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