How I Elevate My Levels Of Dopamine Every Day

in #life6 years ago


Hello gang!
Happy Thursday!
I hope this post finds you happy and well! ✿ 💓 ❀
Because… I’m gonna be sharing with you what I do on a daily basis to kick them endorphins, you know!

I already trigger oxytocin daily through others cuz I’m such a cuddly boo and I love to hug and touch the people I’m with. But… for dopamine, it works a bit differently.
I’ve already mentioned quite a few times oxytocin in my previous posts, but if you don’t know yet what this hormone is, here’s a little explanation!

It’s commonly called the ''love hormone'' , and sometimes, it can also be labeled as the ''attachment hormone''.
In case you didn’t know, it is the hormone that takes part in childbirth as well as breast-feeding.
Needless to say, oxytocin promotes feelings of emotional attachment and also of sexual arousal (cuz it’s the hormone that is secreted when you reach your climax, just sayin 😉 )

Dopamine and serotonin, on their side, are both neurotransmitters that affect and regulate different functions of ours.
You may have heard before that dopamine gets released through pleasurable activities, even so addicting ones, such as drugs, gambling, shopping, sex…

I love to read books that touch on human psychology, as you may know.
Today, I finished one which is called: ''Mind over mind – the surprising power of expectations'' written by Chris Berdix.


Here are some very interesting quotes I found in his book, that reflect the power of dopamine:

''Remember that dopamine doesn’t spike during the enjoyment of a reward, but rather in anticipation of it. ''

''In the split second before we make a decision, our reward expectations are a constant work in progress, shaped by memory, emotions, and the appeal of competing desires. ''

''When it comes to activating the brain’s reward system, the expectations of wanting are more powerful than the here and now of liking. […] we often think of desire and the objects of our desires as inseparable.
To a greater extent, however, it is the expectation of these rewards, the luxurious anticipation of them, that fires up our brains and compels us to dig in, take a drag, or place another bet. ''


Over the past six months, I got into a little routine to uplift my dopamine levels daily.
Just from filling my gratitude journal at the end of each day, I’m sure that this alone, plays a huge part on contributing to increase my wellbeing.

Other than that, I’ve been working out consistently I’d say on average from 4 to 5 times a week.
But since It’s something I’ve been doing most of my life, I’d say that it’s really automatic.
I don’t have to motivate myself to do it.
I just do it because I love it, and because it’s so important for our health.

Each week, I also give myself something to look forward to.
And to be honest with you, it can be something as silly as I’m excited to eat my snack of the day, or I’m looking forward to wash my hair because I love the smell of my shampoo.
And when these moments do arrive, I consciously let the experience float through me!
I don’t let it pass by without acknowledging that this precise moment was filled with some joy!

The fact alone that meditation has brought me such peace of mind is probably the number one factor that makes my dopamine levels go cray cray.
Once again, I can’t find the way to put it in words.
But the greatness and inner peace it has brought me is seriously out of this world! 💫 🔮

The more I read, the more I realize that we just have to trick our mind!
When you anticipate an event, you get a buildup of dopamine rushing through you.
Might as well anticipate something exciting every day!
With time, it almost becomes second nature to you.
You just come to be excited about the simplest things of life, and it’s the best feeling ever!
Music can also be a powerful plug for dopamine.
I noticed it yesterday, when I went to get myself a new pair of headphones ( no more than 3$ at the dollar store).
I’ve been on a high on life vibe ever since.


What is your happy place?
Mine is the one and only @chekohler
Love you all guys! 💚



Who's the lucky guy/guys? ;) lol

Doesn't nature help your something? Dopamine? Mood?

Have you ever tried ice scream? lol I think some people eat to improve their mood but I'm not sure if that works. I think if you eat fast food/unhealthy food it could hurt your mood.

This was a little bit different post than normal. It does sound to me like you have a little bit of depression. Hopefully it lessens over time so you will not need to take any measures to lessen it.
I'm not really sure why you would have some depression but I might be able to make an educated guess.
I think worrying about the future is more important than worrying about the past though. We can't change the past but we can change the future.

Awww:) you didn't forget about nature being my absolute fave of all!💚🌲
ice scream or ice cream?:P eating one's emotions is only good times for a short time😉

Not gonna lie I had to read a couple of times your comment because I wasn't sure if you misunderstood what I wrote or something:( Like this was my happiest post ever!:P I mean I'm sharing what I do to soak in as much good vibes as possible on a day to day basis.
Like I don't understand how you could sense a tiny bit of sadness in a post like that?
still love ya tho xoxo

If it fattens you up maybe it would be worth it. lol

Hmm. How do I explain it. I guess since you are talking about ways you try and be happy I assume you have some depression issues at least some of the time. Plus you do a lot of self help posts so I figure you are probably looking for help. Since I am not looking for help I could probably not stand to spend time reading some of the stuff you read.

Since I don't have depression I don't really spend much if any time trying to think of what I can do to try and be happy.

I think that makes sense at least to me. lol

I wish I could say it makes sense to me but it doesn't:(
I think you make a lot of assumptions based on your perception of things.
Writing about self-help things does not mean I'm looking for help.
I share things that to my eyes have value to inspire others in some way.
Also, happiness is something that is fleeting.
And if you don't consciously make an effort to do things that can uplift your mood, it won't last!
Or if you don't sink in the experience fully inside your consciousness.
These are not even my words.
I read a lot of stuff and the things I write on here come from my readings.

I think someone who does not suffer from any depression will have a different frame of mind than someone who does.

I don't know if I ever make a conscientious effort to try and up-lift my mood and I think I very rarely ever feel depressed.

You kind of remind me of the Raw Alignment woman. She seems super obsessed with self help stuff and it seems pretty clear to me she has battled with depression.

This is awesome.

''Remember that dopamine doesn’t spike during the enjoyment of a reward, but rather in anticipation of it. ''

Many times I got the idea that anticipation is as pleasurable as the activity itself, but I never knew about dopamine role. Such a great peace of knowledge, I appreciate reading here. :)

Awwww @alignment !💛
My favorite wise soul!🔮 It has been a minute:) thanks for passing by!💜:)
It's amazing that you like that particular quote, because when I read it in my book I was truly fascinated by it!!:)
So happy you liked it too xoxo💎

Love your blog and the positive vibes you are spreading! The worlds needs more of this!

You have no idea how much your kind words mean to me!
Thanks so much @jaynie !💜💛😘

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