A Case Against Validation Nation

in #life5 years ago

" Approval is a lover that will always break your heart ". -Sammy Rhodes


Status thirsty. Money hungry. Willing to do it all for an inch of notoriety. The bigger the need for ego’s inflation, the lower the self-esteem. But don’t tell them that, they’re not ready to hear the truth. Their need for validation is like oxygen. They can’t function without it. Anything is a valid excuse to increase their false sense of power. They live for recognition. Praise is their pusher. So long as they are worth something big in the eyes of others.

Validation nation is a symptom of a society deeply asleep in its own unconscious delusion. People who seek approval will forever be prisoners of the ones they seek validation from. But hey, it’s worth the dopamine rush, isn’t? Display your best facade of conceit. Don’t do things from a place of authenticity - do them from a place of “hey there, look at me!” Rocking it to the eyes of the outside world, yet feeling immensely empty the moment they are alone with themselves. Incapable of realizing that everlasting validation comes from within- not from without.

Don’t blame it on social media, blame it on your addiction to these platforms. You only know yourself through the fake eyes of others. You only fuel your false sense of self-love through how many likes you get. The dopamine rush only lasts so long before you find yourself yearning for more. That’s what happens when you run low on self-validation.



Careful with that Idries Shah fellow. After all, he conned John G. Bennett out of his Coombe Springs estate. But maybe he was just giving a blow to Bennett's ego? LoL

LOL! I should do my research better next time I pick a quote 😂😂

Idries Shah is probably a conscious and aware person who saw John Bennett's ego attachment to being a "Teacher" at Coombe Springs. Maybe it was exactly what Bennett needed for the next stage of his develoment. Hard to tell from the outside of a situation.

I kind of get the feeling that the need for approval is actually some kind evolutionary development. Our need for approval might lend to our learning how to interact in society. Maybe the same need for approval that is becoming a fault due to social media helps us in existing in groups.

I myself sometimes feel the negative emotions when some post doesn't seem to be acknowledged on some platform. Though, I don't really seem to be as effected by the positive emotions as others. I actually get more annoyed by the resulting alerts than I get any sort of positive emotion from having some post recognized.

But...I was never really much for trying to get the approval of large groups of people.

Perhaps it's part of what causes certain people to try to become the popular ones. It's not like it's impossible for most people to become popular. They just have to vary their behavior just a little bit. But they don't really feel like it's worth the effort to try to be popular.

HAHA! All the rejects in school are now at an advantage with social media! They don't have to appeal for everyone's approval. Meanwhile, the ones that were the popular kids are at extreme risk from social media and their likes and such.

Even being extremely empathetic, I have trouble feeling any empathy for the popular kids in school. Which is really kinda ironic, since I even feel empathy for murderers. Not sociopaths and psychopaths though really. So maybe that's the different.

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