How much sleep does a mannequin need? By Steemitri The Mannequin

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemians,

When I was working in department stores, I spent many years in the routine and I was living a pretty boring life. I worked from Monday to Saturday, from 8 am to 7pm, standing and staring into the empty spaces for long hours, waiting till the end of the day.
Often we wore the same clothes for a whole week and then slept with that same outfit on: swimsuit, pants and casual shirt, office clothes and sometimes even in panties!
Try to do it once ... from Monday morning to Friday night in your underpants ... then you'll tell me how you feel about it!
The biggest challenge was not being able to communicate with anyone, no "good morning" and no "goodbyes" ... everything was silent, I was daydreaming all the time. At the end of the day, the employees closed the shop, switched off the lights and left us in the dark until the next day.

Today, however, I'm glad to have a room at Dee and Lou's home. They have been very nice and they even asked me if I needed a bed. I explained to them that mannequins usually sleep standing, but that I would gladly accept a blanket and pillow.
I do not want to seem a freeloader, so whenever I can, I pay the rent in Steem Dollars :-)


Now that I am slowly getting out of the routine, I could sleep for hours, days or weeks, but I prefer not to exaggerate.


There are just so many things to do, to learn and to discover!

I do fitness every day!

I keep myself informed!

I love to cook (here is the pesto recipe)!

Meanwhile I work on my list of "100 Missions to Do Once in Life"!

So returning to the initial question: How much sleep does a mannequin need?
Sleeping is important because it recharges us and allows us to face the day with new energy.

Equally important is waking up in the morning, going in front of the mirror and wondering if we are really happy and if we are following our dreams!


How do you like to sleep?
Never slept standing?
What is the most unusual place you slept on?

A friendly smile to you all!

Steemitri The Mannequin


Love your imagination....keep it coming!

Haha... not easy, but I have some good ideas :-)

He buddy you're brilliant! Are you sure that you're not from England because I sense the Famous English humour....or is it Canadian....just as good!

Soon we will introduce @steemitri to the world and your coming out party will be complete!

You rock!!

Thanks bro! I like humour in general, I'm a cosmopolitan mannequin ;-) hell yeah, rock n roll @kus-knee!
By the way how is the typical Canadian humour?
You rock too Old Dog, you've got the right Steemitian spirit ;-)

haha ! Hope you had a great sleep @steemitri ! Im falling asleep now myself , but I cant do it standing up like you ! LOL ! I need a nice cozy bed ! Good night !😴😴😴😴😴

Did you snore a little bit last night? I can't do that :-)

Haha ! I don't know I cant tell when im sleeping ! LOL! 😴😴😴

You've just received my upvote for the fun factor! :-)
Thanks for stopping by on my new account @steemaniacs.
All for one and one for all.

This gave me a good laugh. Thank you 😊

I'm happy you enjoyed it! A big smile for you!
Steemitri - The Mannequin Blogger

LOL :))))) I'm crying out of laughter!
Do you need shaving or haircut? Manicure or pedicure? Do you suffer from athlete's foot? Bad mouth odor?

Uh so many questions... I will make a post just for you and show you that I take good care of my body :-)

I will be sure to stop and chat the next time I see a mannequin, ask them how their day is going. I don't remember sleeping in many interesting places. I've fallen asleep in a bookstore bathroom after pulling an all-nighter. Not my best moment.

LOL cool story! Yeah, mannequins like to have a chat and company from time to time :-)

You're the best Steemitri!!!! Great fun, I really look forward to your posts.

I hate it when people call you dummies instead of mannequins -- that's hate speech,and by the police of all people :-0

True man, the word dummies is quite offensive to us... we are smarter than most people think ;-) this video is really hilarious, it makes me want to take a ride by car, stay tuned!

Well there was/is a famous Canadian band called The Crash Test Dummies. You might like them!

mhhh mhhh mhhh mhhhh!
Steemitri the crash test mannequin, immortal :-)

Hi friend, very good !!!!!
You would help me with a vote in my post., Thanks !!! ;)

Thanks man :-)
Muchas gracias y saludos a Argentina!

Gracias!!! thanks!!!!

I want to know more, do you know i am your follower @ronaldmcatee

You will learn a lot from Steemitri ;-) Thanks for following
Steemitri The Mannequin

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