Introduce Yourself In The Comments & Meet Others & Compare Interests - Weekly Edition

in #life6 years ago

After the success of first initiative like this here ( 71 comments !) . It turns out this is a decent virtual “meetup” of Steemians it seems and lets them talk to each other.

I decided to make this a weekly post. If you like what is going on here def. Copy and paste it in a post yourself!


Here is what we have typically been heard about from people here:

Credit: @whatsup

One of the most common complaints I hear from people with young accounts is it is difficult to find a following. I agree it is difficult to find others who might be interested in your posts. Don't feel too bad even those of us who have built an audience are feeling like readers are a bit scare right now.

I couldn't agree more with this statement. I suggest you take the time and write a bit about yourself and make it compelling no follow for follow post really think out what you want to say and why you are here!

So, what brings you to SteemIt?

Elder Steemians are free to drop a comment to remind people what they do! this is open to to anyone, plus it helps get the convo going!


I am @minsoenaing. My reputation is 59. I was writing in steemit platform last year.

Thanks for stopping by @minsoenaing glad to see you've been blogging for awhile!

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