The Vessel of Spiritual and Karmic Energy - Human Soul - Essay

in #life8 years ago

Soul. Four letters standing for a very difficult concept. Much argument, attempts to prove its existence or absence. Scientific research, analytics, tests. This is one of those topics I was afraid to touch on steemit, but I decided to dare and share with you some hidden knowledge that was opened to me by a yoga master.

Part one. The child's first breath and old masters staying in samadhi

Every person has a so-called fontanel, a membranous gap between the bones of the skull in a fetus or infant. According to the yoga philosophy, this is the very way a soul enters a human body and this choice is not accidental: only one body is suitable for a particular soul and sometimes some souls have to wait 800 years before they find the suitable vessel. If the body is not suitable for any soul, the child's mother will have a miscarriage. Human souls are of different age and have different karmic energy left from their previous lifes. A soul can leave the circle of dying and bearing again if it's karmic energy is clean, so the soul's choice is determined by attachments of the soul's previous lifes. 

They say that a child makes their first inspiration through the fontanel and then the lungs open. I'd like to make a short remark here: the thing that I'm sharing with you today is a very deep topic for discussion that can not be accepted by everyone and that is absolutely okey. The aim of this massage is to show you another point of view. Our body is a vessel and we know how it works, though many of its mechanisms are not studied yet. Everyone uses a mobile phone which is a vessel but how many know how it really works? The same thing with the spiritual, fine part of our life. 

Human's prana (life-force) is not only in oxygen we breath in. The body can operate without oxygen and some people, great masters, who went into a very deep meditation for some days, months and even years (which is called samadhi) stayed in the same position for the whole period and didn't breathe. When their soul returned to the body it was capable of living. Any scientific explanation? Hardly. But that's true. This is what my master has done (3 days). Yoga philosophy claims that there's a channel in our body that connects fontanel with the aruba (fine matter) and is a path for the soul to leave the body. 

Souls of those people who die calmly leave the body this way, but in case of an accidental death the soul rushes about the body trying to find an exit which makes the body shake in agony. 

You know, this is a very specific knowledge, but that's very special as well. Our body is not studied entirely, it keeps lots of secrets. Though I can say from my personal experience that once you accept this knowledge you can see clearer many things that take place in our life. I'm not saying that the yogi philosophy is the only truth - it is not, but if we look deeper into what different religions say, if we leave the passenges created by those who had the power, to manipulate human mind, we'll realize that the religions claim the same using different words.

Thank you,



That was enjoyable @steemingnow thank you.

Religions manipulate human life and disconnect people from the source .

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