The Power of Manifestation, Part three, The Law of Abundance Versus The Law of Scarcity.

in #life8 years ago

In my last post I mentioned that one of the biggest enemies of manifestation is the concept of lack, or scarcity. Most of us think of it as the law of nature that governs all economic activity and the law of supply and demand is derived directly from it.

It's not the only theory of economics, however.

While it is likely to be the only theory you are familiar with, many economists and thinkers through the years, have proposed that there is an opposite way of looking at economics. The law of abundance was proposed by men like Mises as a better way of thinking of things.

In short, here is how the two work

  • The law of scarcity benefits producers, something we all are on some level, whether we work in manufacturing, offer a service, or, like me, write freelance.
  • The law of abundance benefits consumers, which we all, by necessity are.
  • Scarcity drives prices up, benefiting producers, through profits from high prices and limited supply and limited competition.
  • Abundance would drive prices down, since there would be enough to meet demand evenly, with proper planning and strong competition.

The governments of the world, currently operate under the scarcity model.

It is the reason prices constantly rise and it creates inflation. It is the sole cause of economic wealth being consolidated at the top of capitalist economies, rather than evenly disbursed. It is a lie.

As we've discussed, we have the power to manifest things more rapidly and easier than ever before.

Disciples of scarcity are afraid of abundance and fight against automation, foreign production of goods, plentiful sources of food, fuel and raw materials (like hemp) decentralized energy solutions (like solar) and independent living in general, since they see that production must be maintained in order to keep everyone "employed".

In truth, if we wanted, we could produce everything the world needs to be sheltered, clothed and fed, in very hours each day!

But, that would not lend itself to economic wealth for capitalists, or political power, for those inclined to hold it, and so, we are taught to believe in a world where raw materials, goods, food, shelter and resources are scarce and there is barely enough to go around.

Think about it, how much fear is mongered through this model? Wars are fought over it, ruthless competition arises from it, lawsuits are filed based on it, and all because a few at the top are better off under this model.

  • Believing in scarcity will present you from manifesting your best life, or anything else.
  • Guilt and fear will control your thinking and prevent you even imagining a better life, for fear it will hurt someone else.
  • The abundance model says that there is more than enough to go around and you, as much as anyone, deserve to have the things you need and want.

Think of your source of supply as Niagra Falls.

To overcome the idea of scarcity, you must get used to the fact that the printed money in this world does not represent all of the wealth in it, far from it. In fact, less than 8% of all "money" in world economies, even exists in printed form, instead, it is all numbers, stored in computers and given value, not inherently, but through our belief in its value.

Once you really understand this, and get past the depressing nature of this truth, you come to a realization. If you take more from the economy, it will make more. There will always be enough to support more production and more abundance.

  • Picture yourself standing at the bottom of Niagra Falls.
  • Now imagine that this massive volume of water represents the abundance of things, experiences, relationships and wealth available to you.
  • Now, imagine drinking all of this water. Even in several lifetimes, there is no way that one human could even reduce the volume, let alone use it up.

This is the truth of your universe. There is more than enough to more than go around. Greed and selfishness are the only two reasons that anyone in this world struggles for basic sustenance.

We are standing on the precipice of a world where work for sustenance becomes a thing of the past.

And the scarcity model is one of the only barriers standing between us and a future where man's time can be spent in developing the human potential and unlocking the secrets of the universe! Imagine that!

Once you become a believer in abundance, you will welcome the future!

If you understand there an infinite number of ways for your needs and wants to be met, you will have supreme confidence that the universe will open an avenue for you or, anyone that asks and truly focuses their mind on a solution.

  • You won't be afraid of losing your job.
  • You won't fear a supply of anything running out.
  • You won't feel the need to compete with others, or be jealous of their achievements, or accomplishments.

You will realize that there are an infinite number of successful scenarios for your life, where all of your needs and wants are provided for.


You will finally see the truth that all limitations are finite and definable. A limitation cannot say, no you may never have this thing. It can only say, not this way, in this place, at this time.

Every other potential avenue for accessing your desire is still open! The opportunities are wide open and limitless! Your choices are infinite and so is the universe's supply for you and everyone else.

Next time, I'll share some unusual ways that some people have manifested their vision for success. In the meantime, remember to ask, "What's the best that can happen?" Go live your now and encourage others to pursue theirs as well!


For those of you stuck on the fact that there is only so many atoms of every substance available to us on this planet, the law of abundance may seem like wishful thinking of those who would over consume and under produce.

The law of abundance is more about how changing your beliefs changes your actions and changing your actions changes your outcomes. If you don't believe something is possible, then you will never try and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. If you believe it is possible, then you will not stop working toward it until you achieve your desire.

If you believe in abundance then you will work better with others and be more trusting. This will increase the opportunities available to you.

If you believe in scarcity then you will not trust others and take actions that hurt others so you can profit. This kind of thinking will ultimately backfire.

This isn't about physical reality, it is about how we perceive it and how we react to it.

Dan, this is exactly what's been going on here in steemit as well, with petty jealousy interfering to punish "undeserving" posts, when all the while a mindset of abundance would lead us to take actions that would raise the price of steem, multiplying SBDs exponentially and solving the perceived crisis.

Precisely, and the physical reality isn't always what it's cracked up to be either.

Nicely expressed @dantheman - saving it up :)

This was always the case but instead of growing cars, we could have had fruits and vegetables in abundance on every street.

There is still more than enough fruits and vegetables, and if we stopped competing over them, we could grow them anywhere in the world. Because you say "instead" you do not understand abundance. We can have both in plenty. Cars are not a bad thing. Perhaps the way we developed them was less than ideal, but when you understand abundance, it brings with it a picture of resilience, the current trend to teach human centered climate change is rooted in scarcity and fear.

You're not believing climate change is caused by humans?

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