The Power of Manifestation

in #life8 years ago

Everything that you see, taste, touch, smell or hear, started out as a thought. Whether it was in the mind of the creator, or in the mind of an inventive man. Everything around us was once immaterial, or existed in another form. This bringing things into the physical universe, to exist as they never have before, is the power of manifestation.

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Manifestation is a word that is overused and misunderstood. Simply put, it is synonymous with materialization. You materialize things when you combine matter into a new configuration.

• Combining ingredients to create your dinner is a manifestation
• Cutting and sewing fabric to create clothing is a manifestation
• Putting words onto printed paper and binding them into a book is a manifestation
• I am manifesting this blog post, right now!

So, first, let's take some of the “occult” stank off of that word. In fact, it is used in scripture to describe the visible working of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life. There is nothing dark, or scary about this concept.

Down through history we have made leaps in our ability to manifest the world we want. With each new generation, technologies are developed that make it possible to do things more rapidly or with less force. Consider:

• A hundred years ago it took months or even years to build a good sized house. Today it can be done inside a few weeks.
• It used to take weeks, months, even up to a year to transmit a message by courier to anyone. Now, instantaneous global communication is almost universally available.
• We speed up processes in: chemistry, medicine, construction, travel, and even the creation of art.

We are moving towards a world in which anything a person can want, if it exists, can be had in mere moments, with the touch of a button. I think this is because we believe we can.

I know, you are arguing with me, you say, it is because of countless years of technological development, and hard work, to produce tools that create more quickly. It takes years of sacrifice and …..I would ask one question, Why?

Why did it take all of these centuries for man to learn to manifest things so quickly? Was it because it was necessary?

What about giant leaps in technology, such as the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Technology is growing so rapidly now that it nearly doubles every year. The information and knowledge that we amass multiplies on a daily basis. Why is this happening?

Is it because the systems of education we have established are so excellent? Then why do the top technological achievers drop out of those same institutes and still succeed? Is it because we stand on the shoulders of past thinkers, and we don't have to reinvent the wheel? This helps, but yet, the biggest advancements in science and medicine often disprove their ideas, or run completely contrary to them.

When Jesus said to his disciples, if you say to this mountain, be uprooted and cast into the sea, and do not doubt, it will be done as you say, the technology to use explosives, the heavy machinery to move the resulting debris, and possibly even the work force to get it done nearly instantaneously did not exist. Today, Japan builds islands out of mountains “cast into the sea” to make more land mass.

What if I told you that I believe it is all in our heads. The entire arch of human achievement, is all in our beliefs and ability to “see” things, not as they are in the present, but as they are in the future?


Great post! I'll follow you.. Please follow me back.. :)

Thanks for your comment. I'll take a look at your profile.

Just the kind of insight I came here for. Thankyou.

Good, I'll be sharing some more on this today.

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