in #life7 years ago

In 1979, an Indian Island was being flooded when a river constantly overflowed its banks. A man named Jadev Payeng thought how he could stop the river from destroying his habitation. The thought of planting trees came to his mind. But how many trees will he plant? He said "What can one man do"? So he decided to plant 1 tree everyday.

Today, after 39 years of constant and consistent planting of trees, Jadev Payeng has planted 1400 acres of trees in his island and he was given an Indian national award as forest man of the century.

You might have heard the word little drops of water makes a mighty ocean. Also In music they use "poco a poco" to direct music frequency and modulation. Bruce Lee said that we should not fear the man who practices 1000 types of kicks, rather fear the man who practices 1 kick, 1000 times.

Consistency is the proof of passion. Passion on the other hand proves persistence. Every big thing started small. Most inventions were made by tired men who kept working until they discovered. Thomas Edison who performed a thousand experiment to invent the light bulb 💡 is a good example of the currency 💱 of consistency.

If you are constantly doing good, people will one day start honoring you.

I read somewhere that the enemy does not mind if we pray 3 hours, one day in a week but he sure does mind if we pray 1 hour or 30 minutes everyday of the week. The key to spiritual intimacy is consistency. Most people down their destiny lane tend to withdraw from the little things they do especially spiritually. They stop praying as they ought, they stop witnessing as they should, they stop giving as they could, they start questioning the very things they had passions for. They do these perhaps because of the cares of this life, unmet expectations, bad breaks, disappointments, betrayals.

If the enemy succeeds in making you quit the little positive things you do, then he is about to knock you off like a wandering or shooting star 🌟. It's time to pick up your old positive routines again. Go back to praying everyday, witnessing for Christ whenever and wherever, doing good to people despite how they treat you, learning those skills, reading once and again.

The God we serve rewards diligence and not mediocrity. A man who is diligent in what he does will be honored and celebrated. Proverbs said that a youth who sleeps when others are planting will weep during the time of harvest.

Another positive attitude I think every youth should cultivate apart from praying and serving others is to read. Don't wait until you can read 50 verses of a book on a Saturday or Sunday. Start with 20 verses every day. That's about 40 minutes read for a slow reader, depending on the book. If you read 20 pages a day, then in one month you have read 2 to 3 books. Be consistent about it and read different types of books.

Consistency requires creativity. Mr Pandev must have added manure, pruned the trees, constructed troughs for the water logged areas, he might have even cut down some trees etc to make sure the forest he planted was in order.

In doing what you love to do, add creativity. Creativity makes you enjoy doing the same thing over again. Monotony is the enemy of persistence. Learn to do the same things differently. Improve, reinvent, question, explore, research and recreate. Be dynamic!

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