On the day of my birthday - Mandatory Birthday Post

in #life7 years ago

Pretty thinker.jpg

Every year, on the day of my birthday, I make a toast: “A toast to our continued existence! We have survived yet one more year”. It’s usually a tongue-in-cheek toast, I mean, why wouldn’t we? But this year my toast had deeper meaning. As I stood there, glass in hand, I remembered everything that happened this year: I remembered the chaos, I remembered the smoke, the gas; I remembered the taste of Maalox in my mouth as I ran from certain death towards only slightly higher chances of survival. It was during this year’s Venezuelan protests that I found my convictions, defined my values, realized just how important fighting for your ideals is, and how often this means fighting for your survival as well. It changed me, and I won’t ever forget.

Back then, death wore the mask of justice. Credit: NBC News

And yet this day has come again. It outran the shots and bombs in my memory, the shadows lurking around every corner in my mind, even the ominous feeling which won’t leave my heart. Time, known for allegedly healing everything, helps my tunnel vision let up and I begin once more to ask myself where I’m going; I begin to make a path towards an uncertain future, the only future there is. One more year I stand surrounded by my friends, jokingly toasting to something one should take for granted, but that few of us still do. It’s a toast to the tragicomedy, and a toast to the absurd.

But even in tragedy, submerged deep in the absurdity of this world, one may find solace in friends, and in love. Most importantly, one may find solace in oneself. Much insight is needed, before one may look outside. In the end, everything is an experience, to be cherished and from which to draw strength. While it may sound otherwise, this last year of my life was full of fortune, too. Not only have I found love, but I’ve found the drive to stop thinking and start acting; to stop reading and start writing.

Luckily for you, and for me, I’ve found this platform, providing motivation, feedback and discussion for my work. A newfound spark to light up my passion once again. Thanks for receiving me so warmly, Steemit.

"Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words." - Plautus


Have a good one.

Thanks! Most definitely will!

What a great post!

It's hard to imagine what it's like living in a country that's going through what yours is going through. Again, thanks for sharing your perspective with us.

Thanks! It's always nice to have people appreciate it when I get personal. Hopefully I'll write something of actual literary value about those experiences in the future.

Nearly everything you do is of no importance, but it is important that you do it.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Wise words from a wise old man.

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