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RE: Somebody needs to teach me how to dance

in #life8 years ago

I'm so happy for you! Ending toxic never ending downward spiral relationships (insert sucking sound here), especially with family members, is so hard. My family is great, but I do/did have one such relationship there that I reached this moment with. 3 years ago...the final straw happened and that was it. I was done. Wrote it all out in an email to him, sent it, he was like "what?!", but he knows...and no temptation to go back to the way it was. Celebrate liberating yourself!!


I was remembering earlier that this emotional process is very similar to what I went through when I moved out of my family home. Slowly the toxic veil was lifted and I was able to distinguish the harmful from impotent behaviors (and render the harmful impotent). I feel sad that I've been wrapped up in the same thing again, but amazed at my strength and how much quicker I'm getting out of it this time.

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