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RE: Misophonia - My hatred of sounds

in #life7 years ago

I know of this. My son suffered a bout of this years back with the sound of chewing, sniffing, loud breathing throat clearing. Basically any people head noises. He had to run, get away, make it stop. The noises triggered fits of rage and crying. He also had this with seeing certain things, like an obese person. It seems related to OCD in that some inocuous stimulus triggers anxiety, panic, and the compulsion to get away and cleanse from the offensive experience. Intensive cognative behavior therapy and a period on medication helped him settle his symptoms. You are not alone.


It does sound like that...I feel the same way if I see a mime. Here in South Africa we have mimes everywhere at the robots trying to beg for takes a lot of willpower not to shout at them. I am not scared of them they just make me terribly angry! LOL

So what to do?! I guess The alternatives are living carefully planned avoidance and holding in reactive anger, or else finding a way to minimize the effect of the trigger on our insides. Not easy.

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