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RE: Evaluation

in #life7 years ago

I'm super sentimental too with my kids' things. Like, if a child once painted something for me, or hell, touched something happily...I want to keep it! But I can't!! We are moving in with THEM into a small bedroom as we sell our big house here. What I have room for there is so limited, and then what of that is worth shipping to PR. It's very eye opening. 🙏🏽


That is SO me! Except with my elderly father, I have kept the ENVELOPES of his many birthday cards to me throughout the years as I know one day they will become little momentos, little tokens of joy =)
Wow ! That sure sounds like a big life change but definitely one whose values are in all the right places will , for sure , pull off !!
Good Luck! May it all run smoothly and without stress!x

How about scanning/photographing the kids' artwork and then backing it all up to a special "childhood memories" thumb drive? Then you can go back and revisit those good feelings anytime without packing up a lot of stuff.