Great quote by Eisenhower

in #life6 years ago (edited)


I’ve been an online entrepreneur for quite a long time and I know that an entrepreneur’s life is full of challenges.

As a matter of fact, I can say that my life is a perpetual contest. We all compete with each other every day, don’t you agree? Life is a trade, we buy and sell continuously. The one who sells more wins. Simple as that. Perpetual contests.

In order to be a successful online entrepreneur you must stay focused. Easy to say and hard to do! You must use whatever methods work for you to keep you on track. For example, I listen to motivational speakers and I read tons of quotes.

This morning I came across this quote by the 34th President of USA, General Eisenhower.

“When you are in any contest, you should work as if there were - to the very last minute - a chance to lose it. “

I love this thought, it applies to me and my perpetual-contest type of life. This quote tells us to work hard and to take everything seriously. Give the best, receive the best, right?

Think about it... sometimes we make silly mistakes. I know, we are not perfect, but some silly mistakes can be avoided. Like when you go for an interview, and you know you are qualified, the job is perfect for you, you can do it easily, but guess what? You are NOT selected. Why? Because you didn’t take the interview seriously. You thought you got it already because you are over-qualified. You forgot that there are other candidates who will fight really hard to get it. You miss-judged the competition and, like the illustrious Eisenhower said, you didn’t work it as if there were, to the very last minute, real chances to lose your battle.

Conclusion - Stay focused and fight for every opportunity that life offers you. 😊


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Great quote. Thanks, it's new to me...

Namaste, Jaichai

I'm quite a competitive person and always took things seriously but the last few months, I realised that it's ok to just relax and take things a little easier. Maybe working smarter and not harder has helped.

But then, I'm not a entrepreneur and having worked for someone who is, I could see I was light years away and so, it was time to chill :)

I take life as it comesmin the most relaxed way possible, not easy but so healthy

Sound advice @starjewel with so many more people it definitely becomes harder. One needs to be ambitious, adjust regularly, always learning.

Awesome quote. I've always thought Eisenhower was one of our smartest presidents. His retirement farm is just a few miles from my home. It's an awesome place for the kids.

I like that quote a lot and you make a great point there. Have to always stay focused.

I might have to put this one up somewhere. Very wise words! And you are so right, you have to be consistent and stay on top of your game if you want to be successful as an entrepreneur and stand out from the pack.

I totally agree, you should always give 100% and never give up to the last minute!

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