Natural versus Artificial
We live in a world where the word artificial is bad. Almost everything created by human hand has become something evil, obscure and dangerous to the world. We have the purists who prefer only natural things made by mother earth, discarding everything made by their fellow men. Or at least looking at it with contempt.
I wonder why, or when, artificially became opposed to natural? Because, by definition, artificial means that it was made by humans. Aren’t we, humans, sons and daughters of nature? Shouldn’t the things that we create, be considered natural as well?
Is the dam made by a beaver natural or not? How about the nest of a bird? A bee-hive? An ant-hill?
Every animal change in one way or another the place where they live. So why we humans look with contempt our own work?
Of course, we created some really bad things over the years, that have a bad effect over the world. But that doesn’t mean that this isn’t natural. Because this is our nature. We create, innovate and try our best to survive this harsh world.
Without our “artificial” creations humanity would’ve died long, long ago. Let’s not forget how frails we humans are. We can die from a scratch. Everything we have done till now we did it so we could survive. And we will need to innovate more, to create more artificial things because we grow each year even more. And this lovely planet that we call home… I don’t think it can hold all of us for too much time. It will become really crowded, real soon.
So we will have to adapt.
But until then, let’s see things just like they are. We humans are creators, this is our nature. So the so called artificial are actually natural, because was made by us. Let’s embrace our nature.