YES, Every Vote Counts Even When 'Your Team' is Contested

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I don’t have a dog in the hunt; but, EVERY vote absolutely should count!

I can’t believe how bigoted the pundits for the right sounded today on their shows.

I literally couldn’t listen more than a single minute to their slant. They proved no better than the bigots on the left, spewing hatred against Trump supporters.

Per the recent election, several states had results too close to call.

Typically, this means counting ALL remaining ballots to inch things to a finale.

What stands out is the fact that if it was the right fighting for the power/control, the tune would sound a lot different from these ‘talents’.

It would be more so, “ALL votes matter. We just have to be PATIENT and let the system play itself out. That’s the POWER of the vote,” blah, blah, blah.”

Yes indeed, it is the power of the vote. And, no matter which side of the aisle you’re on, one should never forget this fact. If a person took the time to cast a ballot, then they deserve to have their vote counted!

I am sad for those who live so high, that they fire darts at those they deem less than they. To them I offer fair warning:

Be careful, for God has a way of making all playing fields level. Sadly, I’m reminded of the out-of-control fires ravaging million-dollar homes in Cali as ‘we speak’.

Prayers that peace will emerge from the fact that God controls the final vote in all cases; and, prayers for those in the eye of this unbelievable fire storm.

Best regards to all.


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