Wife Sentenced to 30 Years in Case of Husband's Missing Mistress

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Wow. I’m rme as I write this because I’m reminded how horrible a juror I’d be.

I learned that a recent jury rendered a wife guilty on two charges; conspiracy to kidnap and kidnapping of her husband’s mistress.

I followed this trial, and the prosecution presented a boatload of circumstantial evidence which could not be denied.

As I listened to the state present its case, the female prosecutor reminded me of Columbo. I read her like a script. At times she pulled a ‘Columbo’ seeming to bumble her thoughts, while clearly connecting the dots like a childhood picture pattern.

One couldn’t see where she was going; but, oh dear goodness did it become crystal clear when she was all said and done. No disrespect to this prosecutor, but her name was difficult to find in the search engine. In fact, I couldn’t find it; but, Nancy rings in my ear, as the defendant didn’t seem to grasp that it’s not appropriate to be familiar with people you aren’t familiar with. It may have not been meant as disrespectful; but, after repeating this ‘blunder’ when told to use professional address, made it seem like a swipe against the prosecutor. And, in the end this blunder may have played against her best interest…more on that later.

At the end of the day, the prosecution team put together an airtight case; leaving the jury needing little time to deliberate. Before noon, a unanimous verdict was received; and anyone who follows trials, knows that the longer the deliberation, the more likely a hung jury; meaning no conviction and at worst, retrial.

But this swift declaration ended as those in the know predicted…GUILTY on both counts.

While I was still trying to give the defendant the benefit of the doubt, simmering down to two scenarios, the verdict was already decided by a jury of her peers.

I surmised that the defendant was either one unlucky lady or guiltier than a possum with her hand in the jar.

In the five years since the initial charge, she has become a born-again believer; and, wore a huge cross to define such. Many will tell you, that the bigger the cross, the bigger the demons of the person wearing it…jmho; and, certainly not to judge. I just believe that if you’re living your Christian walk, you don’t need huge jewelry statements to make the point. The Light of the Holy Spirit shines too brightly to deny.

But that said, she got me with a strong hand on the Bible, taking an oath by saying, "...so help me God." And, even during her testimony, she said with her hand on the Bible, she was innocent of this crime. It takes a brave soul or serious mental person to put God in the mix by professing innocence when guilty. That got me; and still has me....

To the very end, this woman denied her guilt, which means she is one unlucky person.

Her husband sits in jail for obstruction in the case; and, has an open case to retry his charges of kidnapping. It’s likely he will be retried after today’s unanimous verdict. Dare I say the prosecution will do a times 2 of this case. It would certainly make sense. And, I can easily see this prosecutor someday receiving top rank for her state as lead attorney.

Well, at the end of the day, the wife got a sentence of 30 years, which means, if she serves 15, she’ll be out, young enough to still enjoy her elder years. She’s 46, and even 30 years, if she takes care of herself, may give her a chance to live a few more years in freedom.

But, long story short remains, don’t come between a husband and wife in adulterous acts.

The missing young woman not only destroyed her life; but, the lives of many others; even though no blame’s being lain on her. She is a product of her poor decisions. She could have told her weakness to get lost, when he enticed her at 1 a.m. for a ‘meet me’ call. But, instead she yielded to the consequential forbidden fruit.

This is one of the almost-perfect whodunits on the books.

There are no perfect crimes, just those with missing pieces to the puzzle.

It very well could be they didn’t ‘do it’; but, all arrows point to them being a part of it. The last piece was that black Ford F150 seen heading in the direction of the pier with no accountability; and, the camera footage on their home tracking the driveway 'conveniently' missing.

Being a juror is a tough job. I believe they got this one right based on the orders read by the judge.

Best regards.

And as always, in cases such as this, where parties profess innocence, continued prayers for the truth to shine forth.



Love your avatar! Yes, indeed, Jesus is Lord!


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