God Created the Sabbath Day For Man; Not Man for the Sabbath Day

in #life6 years ago (edited)

This post is sparked by @carpenterbee’s renewal of his spiritual journey. Please see the link below for the full context. Also, please scroll to the bold font below for the answer posited in the title.

the end is very near.

While I can’t know if the entire world is nearing an end; but, based on a series of dreams I had in 2016, I do believe the U.S. as we’ve known it is rapidly nearing an end. I was inspired by the Spirit to upload, as documentation, a brief video on YT as the dreams arose. It was clear that the U.S. underwent an external and possibly even internal missile-type attack. When I see Iran, China, and NK meeting in recent days, I’m reminded so clearly of the dreams. While not alarmed; it is indeed a blessing to know that everything has a Divine Order and Timing.

It took me fifty three years to start understanding the bible.

The beginning of knowledge is an inspiration from God, via the Holy Spirit, for His Divine Purpose. If you’re called to have a Bible-discussion meet-up as you’re blessed with discernment of the Truth, don’t be intimidated. He’s with you. Your wife’s presence will serve as a tangible reminder of such.

Me and my wife started observing the Sabbath day two weeks ago.

I’ve observed the Sabbath for more than a decade; and, can genuinely say it is a blessing to be able to slow life down, on what oftentimes, is the busiest day of the week. Most 9-5 working moms make this laundry day, grocery day, take the kids to soccer events day, just to name a few. On the other hand, this is the day dads mow the lawn, wash the cars, clean the gutters, go to the barber with their young boys; again for starters.

Of course, it’s a blessing too, to know that it’s not a law; and, as needed, will fulfill a need/task as it arises. But, I do believe observing the Sabbath would prevent a lot of burnout in the lives of others.

Btw, did you know Eastern civilizations observe the Sabbath on Saturday, as do I. It is a day set aside from everything stressful, as much as possible.

This allows churchgoers another day to assemble together. If you think about it, God says clearly on the 7th Day that He rested. He didn’t command believers to hustle up the family out the door on a Sunday morning, only to return exhausted, having to get prepared for the busy week ahead.

As an example for us, He rested on the 7th Day. He created the Sabbath Day for man; and, not man for the Sabbath Day (Mark 2:27).

There should be one day a week when the family should be able to just chill. Too often, those who observe the Sabbath on Saturday, spend it hustling kids to their sports competitions and other things that tire them out. There should be a day when things shut down from everything hustle and bustle.

This may spark the question of how one can observe the Sabbath Day when there is so much to do? I won' try to rewrite your schedule; but, as a constructive suggestion, try doing the things that make your Sabbath Day exhausting, on another evening. For example, do laundry on a Monday, mow the lawn on a Tuesday evening. If your kids hate the energy-draining competition sports, respect their disinterest, by letting them kick a soccer ball at their own leisure. If you drag your kids to practice with tears and clear frustration in their eyes, STOP.

I can't encourage you enough to try observing the Sabbath Day for 30 days. Officially, this is sundown Friday to sundown Saturday evening. In faith, I believe it will increase your holistic well-being and spiritual awareness significantly. Just do things in this 24-hour frame which leave you feeling rested and rejuvenated.

ignorance of the base ten commandments

Yes, this is surprising considering your long history with organized religion. But, on the other hand, maybe not so surprising, since most people just go to church for decades to say they went…lol…not funny, of course…smh.

the 2nd and 4th commandment where not listed in the ten commandments

Of course, they had to have ten, so what was in place of the 2and 4, if you can remember?

That's it.

Btw, here is the link to the original post by @carpenterbee:


Best regards.


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