Where is God in California Fires & Mass-Shootings?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Something strange is happening in and to California.

I hate sounding as a conspiracy theorist; but, these fires totally obliterating entire communities are inconsistent to say the least.

How many times do we have to see plastic garbage cans and lawns unscathed while the homes are decimated? And more so, wonder why a house which is three feet from a fully-engulfed home, with embers wafting everywhere, doesn’t even get scorched?

As disturbing as seeing thousands of structures burning, was seeing the homeowners, aka citizens, aka taxpayers, setting up tent cities behind the local Wal-mart, in the cold night air.

What? My jaw dropped as I saw people preparing outdoor tents, and clothes drop-offs left out in the open air.

As I saw these people who’d lost everything being content with their open-air environment, I was reminded of asylum-seekers living in covered, climate-controlled shelters.

America seems to be a hot bed of chaos.

Caravans are on the way; and, the military is awaiting them.

Allegedly, direct energy weapons are destroying communities under the guise of ‘climate change’.

And, I couldn’t ignore that these fires came on the heels of a mass shooting at a bar hours before these horrific fires. As a side note, I couldn’t help but take note that this was the second mass-shooting of a country-western venue in as many years…smh…

Something is amiss; but, what?

What is going on with Cali? They’re talking about seceding. Is this an attempt to make them rethink their decision?

IDK. But, what I do know is that something is off kilter.

And, for those who question why God would allow this to happen, I leave you with two words:


It is clear that these are not natural disasters. And, if somewhere behind the scenes mankind has chosen to deliberately start these fires for whatever the reasons, we cannot blame the Creator for the evils done.

You may argue that He could stop these things. I totally agree. He could.

But, I sense that too many of His creatures are too busy enjoying the perishable things of this world to take the time to ask Him.

Prayers everybody…for everybody.


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