Suspect Sending Packages Earned One-Way Trip to 3 Squares/Cot with ‘Notoriety’…

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I’m convinced that sometimes in life people want to buy a lifetime ticket to Hotel Prison.

Today’s suspect, apprehended for delivering packages to high ranking politicians, is one such case. It’s sad; but, I do believe sometimes people see it as an alternative to the day in, day out drudgery of an unfulfilled life.

It doesn’t take a genius to know that everything postal is on camera; and, it’s just a matter of time before the gig is up.

It seems that he even gave them a few fingerprints to help with the apprehension.

This isn’t his first rodeo, so I’m sure he was on the short list of those doing the investigating.

Of course, giving thanks to God no one was hurt, no damage was done.

And, if he wanted a one-way ticket to the aforementioned destination, he got one today.

Anyone wanting to lay blame for his decisions really needs to not go there. Political rhetoric is just an excuse that won’t wash before the judge.

Now that this guy is in custody, cameras can go back to the southern U.S. border, as the ‘caravan’ continues to snowball, making its way to meet the military troops approved to help with border patrol.

Prayers that things won’t get out of hand, as it seems civilians are making their way to ‘help’ with paperwork. Hopefully, they will be vetted, and not just rabble-rousers wanting to make an already huge proglem worse. Don’t correct my misspelling, please…thank-you….lol….With all of the recent political vitriol, arguing whose the most vicious, a little stress-relieving humor helps offset the typical news-cycle drama.

Best regards.


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